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Title: Erbium spectroscopy and 1.5-micrometre emission in KGd(WO4)2: Er,Yb single crystals
Author: Mateos Ferré, Xavier
Pujol Baigés, Maria Cinta
Güell Vilà, Frank
Galan Valiente, Miguel
Solé i Cartañá, Rosa Ma.
Gavaldà, Josefina
Aguiló Díaz, Magdalena
Massons, Jaume
Díaz, Francesc (Díaz González)
Keywords: Làsers d'estat sòlid
Materials òptics
Polarització (Llum)
Solid-state lasers
Polarization (Light)
Optical materials
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: We grew good-optical-quality KGd(WO/sub 4/)/sub 2/ single crystals doped with erbium and ytterbium ions at several concentrations of dopants using the top-seeded-solution growth slow-cooling method (TSSG). We performed the spectroscopic characterization of this material related to the 1.5-mm infrared emission of erbium which is interesting for laser applications. To do this, we carried out polarized optical absorption at room temperature (RT) and at low temperature (6 K) and performed luminescence studies of the emission and lifetime. We obtained the 1.5-mm emission of erbium after selective laser pump excitation of the ytterbium ion and energy transfer between the two ions. The maximum emission cross section for 1.5 mm was about 2.56/spl times/10/sup -20/ cm/sup 2/ for the polarization of light with the electric field parallel to the N/sub m/ principal optical direction. This value was higher than for other erbium-doped materials with application in solid-state lasers such as LiYF/sub 4/:Er(YLF:Er), Y/sub 3/Al/sub 5/O/sub 12/:Er(YAG:Er), YAlO/sub 3/:Er, and Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/:Er.
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It is part of: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2004, vol. 40, núm. 6, p. 759- 770.
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ISSN: 0018-9197
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Enginyeria Electrònica i Biomèdica)

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