Browsing by Subject Cyclins

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Nov-2014Bases moleculars de l’activitat antitumoral de la lenalidomida en el limfoma de cèl•lules del mantellMoros Sanz, Alexandra
21-Aug-1998Calmodulin inhibitor W13 induces sustained activation of ERK2 and expression of p21CIP1Bosch i Rodríguez, Marta; Gil i Santano, Joan; Bachs Valldeneu, Oriol; Agell i Jané, Neus
15-Jan-2013Caracterización genética y molecular del linfoma de células del manto y sus implicaciones clínicasRoyo Moreno, Cristina
27-Apr-2012La HDAC3 regula l’estabilitat de la ciclina AVidal Laliena, Miriam
6-Jul-2016New insights into Cdk2 regulation during meiosisIsoda, Michitaka; Mikolcevic, Petra; Nebreda, Àngel R.
5-May-2009Regulació del complex ciclina A-CDK2 per l'acetilasa PCAFMateo González, Francesca
7-Aug-2018The atypical cyclin CNTD2 promotes colon cancer cell proliferation and migrationSánchez Botet, Abril; Gasa, Laura; Quandt, Eva; Hernández Ortega, Sara; Jiménez Fàbrega, Xavier; Mezquita, Pau; Carrasco García, Miquel Àngel; Kron, Stephen J.; Vidal-Bel, August; Villanueva Garatachea, Alberto; Ribeiro, Mariana P. C.; Clotet Erra, Josep
1-May-2009The chromatin remodeling factor CHD8 interacts with elongating RNA polymerase II and controls expression of the cyclin E2 geneRodríguez-Paredes, Manuel; Ceballos-Chávez, María; Esteller, Manel; García-Domínguez, Mario; Reyes, José Carlos