Browsing by Author Aragay, Mireia

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2018Disseny i implementació de tasques d’avaluació formativa a l’assignatura “Teatre britànic contemporani: noves tendències” del Grau d’Estudis Anglesos (2016PID-UB/007): Informe finalAragay, Mireia
12-Jun-2019“Escaping the Neurotic-Couch”: A Schizoanalytic Reading of Beckettian Characters in Waiting for GodotKnijff Massip, Alba
23-Mar-1992Estudi del llenguatge en la producció teatral de Harold PinterAragay, Mireia
14-Jun-2022Ethical Intentionality in Sarah Kane’s Blasted: Dramaturgy, Performance and Reception = Intencionalitat ètica a Blasted, de Sarah Kane: dramatúrgia, escenificació i recepcióTirado Mauri, Marta
4-Oct-2012Formative learning and assessment tools for british theatre courses within the english studies degreeAragay, Mireia; Escoda, Clara; Monforte, Enric; Seguro Gómez, M. Isabel (Maria Isabel); Rodríguez Morales, Verónica
11-Jun-2019Frankenstein: defending the creature from his misrepresentation on a selection of book coversBurguete Vilaplana, Tania
16-Dec-2016Globalisation in David Greig’s Theatre Space, Ethics and the SpectatorRodríguez Morales, Verónica
16-Jun-2021Issues, challenges and choices in adapting George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire into the television show Game of ThronesCascos Garulo, Daniel
Mar-2024La permuta de personatges a When We Have Sufficiently Tortured Each Other Text i posada en escenaVilarrúbias Basas, Bernat
25-Jun-2012Rúbrica tutor/a TFM Màster Oficial CRICAragay, Mireia
18-Nov-2015Theatre as a tool in education and in social and political activism: David Greig’s Dr. Korczak’s Example (2001) and Caryl Churchill’s Seven Jewish Children: A Play for Gaza (2009)Lavrinienko, Daria
11-Jun-2020Theatrical exposure, transformation and spectatorial agency in Tim Crouch’s An oak treeKhermouche, Assma
7-Nov-2012Witnessing, testimony and ethics: the theatre of debbie tucker green [sic]Montes Tejero, Sara
11-Jun-2019Women in Hamlet as Represented in the Film Adaptations by Laurence Olivier and Kenneth BranaghTomás Codina, Irene de
19-Mar-2021Writers On Screen: Embodying The "Life-Text" In The Literary BiopicHaiduc, Sonia Amalia