Browsing by Author Cabello López, Patricia

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Jun-202010 Myr evolution of sedimentation rates in a deep marine to non-marine foreland basin system: tectonic and sedimentary controls (Eocene, Tremp-Jaca basin, Southern Pyrenees, NE Spain)Vinyoles i Busquets, Andreu; López Blanco, Miguel; Garcés Crespo, Miguel; Arbués, Pau; Valero Montesa, Luis; Beamud Amorós, Elisabet; Oliva-Urcia, Belén; Cabello López, Patricia
20073D modelling of grain size distribution in Quaternary deltaic deposits (Llobregat Delta, NE Spain).Cabello López, Patricia; Cuevas Martínez, José Luis; Ramos Guerrero, Emilio
2012A sequence stratigraphic based geological model for constraining hydrogeological modeling in the urbanized area of the Quaternary Besòs delta (NW Mediterranean coast, Spain)Velasco, V.; Cabello López, Patricia; Vázquez-Suñé, Enric; López Blanco, Miguel; Ramos Guerrero, Emilio; Tubau, Isabel
2018An integrated approach to define new plays in mature oil basins: the example from the Middle Magdalena Valley basin (Colombia)Cabello López, Patricia; Lopez, C.; Gamba, Néstor; Torres, Elena; Ballesteros, C.I.; Cantisano, M.T.; Marfisi, Nelbet; Calvo Tortajada, Rubén; Vázquez-Taset, Y.M.; Ramos Guerrero, Emilio; Dussán, María Isabel
Sep-2021Campament de Geologia d'Hidrocarburs. Sistemes petrolers de la Conca Basco-CantàbricaCabello López, Patricia; Sáez, Alberto; Cabrera, Lluís; Navarro, Jorge
Jun-2020Campament Virtual Anàlisi Integrada d'un Anàleg Real de Conca i Reservori (Màster de Geologia I Geofísica de Reservoris)Muñoz, J. A.; López Blanco, Miguel; Arbués, Pau; Cabello López, Patricia; Ferrer García, J. Oriol (José Oriol); Snidero, Marco
26-May-2020Campament Virtual Estratigrafia 2020López Blanco, Miguel; Garcés Crespo, Miguel; Arbués, Pau; Cabello López, Patricia; Sáez, Alberto
24-Aug-2021Chronology of recent sedimentary infill of the Inner Río de la Plata Estuary, ArgentinaColombo, Ferran; Serra Raventós, Jordi; Cabello López, Patricia; Bedmar, José; Isla, Federico I.
2020Codi python i fulls de càlcul aplicats a l'anàlisi de dades estratigràfiquesGarcés Crespo, Miguel; López Blanco, Miguel; Cabrera, Lluís; Sáez, Alberto; Arbués, Pau; Cabello López, Patricia
1-Feb-2023Effects of fluvial sedimentary heterogeneity on CO2 geological storage: Integrating storage capacity, injectivity, distribution and CO2 phasesSun, Xiaolong; Cao, Yingchang; Liu, Kai; Alcalde Martín, Juan; Cabello López, Patricia; Travé i Herrero, Anna; Cruset Segura, David; Gómez Rivas, Enrique
2023La formació del professorat a Ciències de la Terra i el foment de la metodologia d’Aprenentatge-Servei (ApS)Playà i Pous, Elisabet; Guinau Sellés, Marta; Furdada i Bellavista, Glòria; Travé i Herrero, Anna; Cabello López, Patricia; Cantarero Abad, Irene; Palau, Jordi
2006Modelos 3D de análogos de reservorios sedimentarios: Aplicación al sistema de abanico costero eoceno de Sant Llorenç del Munt (Cuenca del Ebro)Cabello López, Patricia; López Blanco, Miguel; Falivene Aldea, Oriol; Arbués, Pau; Ramos Guerrero, Emilio; Cabrera, Lluís; Marzo, M.
Mar-2020Paleogeographic and Sedimentary evolution of the South-Pyrenean Foreland basinGarcés Crespo, Miguel; López Blanco, Miguel; Valero Montesa, Luis; Beamud Amorós, Elisabet; Muñoz, Josep Anton; Oliva-Urcia, Belén; Vinyoles i Busquets, Andreu; Arbués, Pau; Cabello López, Patricia; Cabrera, Lluís
12-Dec-2016Peces fósiles en el Eoceno superior de La Plana de Vic (Barcelona): Nuevos yacimientos y significado sedimentario.Farrés i Malian, Francesc; Carnevale, G.; Colombo, Ferran; Cabello López, Patricia; Belaústegui Barahona, Zain; Domènech, Rosa; Vidal, Albert; Martinell, Jordi, 1948-
27-Sep-2019Quantifying the impact of the structural uncertainty on the gross rock volume in the Lubina and Montanazo oil fields (Western Mediterranean)Barbara, Carla Patricia; Cabello López, Patricia; Bouche, Alexandre; Aarnes, Ingrid; Gordillo, Carlos; Ferrer García, J. Oriol (José Oriol); Roma, Maria; Arbués, Pau
Jan-2022Sedimentary architecture of a Middle Ordovician embayment in the Murzuq Basin (Libya)Gil-Ortiz, Marc; McDougall, Neil David; Cabello López, Patricia; Marzo, M.; Ramos, Emilio
14-Oct-2022Sedimentology and sedimentary architecture of the Middle Ordovician Hawaz Formation in the subsurface of the Murzuq Basin (Libya)Gil-Ortiz, Marc
2019Sedimentology of a 'non-actualistic' Middle Ordovician tidal-influenced reservoir in the Murzuq basin (Libya)Gil-Ortiz, Marc; McDougall, Neil David; Cabello López, Patricia; Marzo, M.; Ramos Guerrero, Emilio
2019Three-dimensional characterisation of sedimentary heterogeneity and its impact on subsurface flow behaviour through the braided-to-meandering fluvial deposits of the Castissent Formation (late Ypresian, Tremp-Graus Basin, Spain)Puig, J. M.; Cabello López, Patricia; Howell, John; Arbués, Pau
20-Mar-2015Visualització 3D i docència en ciències experimentals: Aplicació sobre els ensenyaments de la Facultat de Geologia de la UBCabrera, Lluís; Cabello López, Patricia; Casamor Bermúdez, José Luis; Sáez, Alberto; Lastras Membrive, Galderic; Gratacós Torrà, Òscar; Oriol Ferrer, Josep; Marcuello Pascual, Alejandro