Browsing by Author López-Pintó, Nicolau

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Jun-2021Deposition and characterisation of sputtered molybdenum oxide thin films with hydrogen atmosphereLópez-Pintó, Nicolau; Tom, Thomas; Bertomeu i Balagueró, Joan; Asensi López, José Miguel; Ros Costals, Eloi; Ortega Villasclaras, Pablo Rafael; Voz Sánchez, Cristóbal
31-Oct-2020Influence of Co-Sputtered Ag:Al Ultra-Thin Layers in Transparent V2O5/Ag:Al/AZO Hole-Selective Electrodes for Silicon Solar CellsTom, Thomas; López-Pintó, Nicolau; Asensi López, José Miguel; Andreu i Batallé, Jordi; Bertomeu i Balagueró, Joan; Ros Costals, Eloi; Puigdollers i González, Joaquim; Voz Sánchez, Cristóbal