Browsing by Author Moya Raposo, Xavier

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Apr-2019Colossal barocaloric effects near room temperaturein plastic crystals of neopentylglycolLloveras, Pol; Aznar, Araceli; Barrio, María; Negrier, Philippe; Popescu, C.; Planes Vila, Antoni; Mañosa, Lluís; Stern Taulats, Enric; Avramenko, A.; Mathur, Neil D.; Moya Raposo, Xavier; Tamarit, Josep Lluís
2007Cooling and heating by adiabatic magnetization in Ni50Mn34In16 magnetic shape-memory alloyMoya Raposo, Xavier; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Aksoy, Seda; Acet, Mehmet; Wassermann, Eberhard F.; Krenke, Thorsten
2-Aug-2007Effect of Co and Fe on the inverse magnetocaloric properties of Ni-Mn-SnKrenke, Thorsten; Duman, Eyüp; Acet, Mehmet; Moya Raposo, Xavier; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni
2006Ferromagnetism in the austenitic and martensitic states of Ni-Mn-In alloysKrenke, Thorsten; Acet, Mehmet; Wassermann, Eberhard F.; Moya Raposo, Xavier; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni
29-Nov-2017Giant barocaloric effects over a wide temperature range in superionic conductor AgIAznar, Araceli; Lloveras, Pol; Romanini, Michela; Barrio, María; Tamarit, Josep Lluís; Cazorla, Claudio; Errandonea, Daniel; Mathur, Neil D.; Planes Vila, Antoni; Moya Raposo, Xavier; Mañosa, Lluís
2006Lattice dynamics and phonon softening in Ni-Mn-Al Heusler alloysMoya Raposo, Xavier; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Krenke, Thorsten; Acet, Mehmet; Garlea, V. O.; Lograsso, T. A.; Schlagel, D. L.; Zarestky, Jerel L.
2007Magnetic superelasticity and inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-InKrenke, Thorsten; Duman, Eyüp; Acet, Mehmet; Wassermann, Eberhard F.; Moya Raposo, Xavier; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Suard, Emmanuelle; Ouladdiaf, Bachir
2005Martensitic transitions and the nature of ferromagnetism in the austenitic and martensitic states of Ni-Mn-Sn alloysKrenke, Thorsten; Acet, Mehmet; Wassermann, Eberhard F.; Moya Raposo, Xavier; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni
11-Apr-2018Multicaloric materials and effectsStern Taulats, Enric; Castán i Vidal, Maria Teresa; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Mathur, Neil D.; Moya Raposo, Xavier
2006Temperature and magnetic-field dependence of the elastic constants of Ni-Mn-Al magnetic Heusler alloyMoya Raposo, Xavier; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Krenke, Thorsten; Acet, Mehmet; Morin, Michel; Zarestky, Jerel L.; Lograsso, T. A.