Browsing by Author Naranjo del Val, Juan Carlos

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 50  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Jun-20173264Adillón Albero, Marc
27-Jun-20163D ReconstructionGrau Galofré, Marc
26-Jan-2012Un acostament a les quàrtiques projectives planesMorata Martínez, Imanol
24-Jun-2021Alternating Catalan numbers and cover with triple ramificationFarkas, Gavril; Moschetti, Riccardo; Naranjo del Val, Juan Carlos; Pirola, Gian Pietro
13-Jun-2022Automorphisms of Riemann surfacesCano Canals, Júlia
2007Bounds of the number of rational maps between varieties of general typeNaranjo del Val, Juan Carlos; Pirola, Gian Pietro
26-Nov-2021Chern degree functions and Prym semicanonical pencilsRojas, Andrés
8-Jan-2017Connectedness Bertini Theorem via numerical equivalenceMartinelli, Diletta; Naranjo del Val, Juan Carlos; Pirola, Gian Pietro
1-Jun-2022Degree of irrationality of a very general Abelian varietyColombo. Elisabetta; Matin, Olivier; Naranjo del Val, Juan Carlos; Pirola, Gian Pietro
28-Jun-2024Del Pezzo surfacesMaristany Sala, Pau
1998Extensions of maps defined on many fibresBarja Yáñez, Miguel Ángel; Naranjo del Val, Juan Carlos
2016Fonaments geomètrics de la reconstrucció 3DNaranjo del Val, Juan Carlos
23-Jan-2003Fourier Transform and Prym varietiesNaranjo del Val, Juan Carlos
27-Jun-2016Generalizations of the hexagramme mystiqueBaena i Miret, Sergi
13-Jun-2023Generalizing Pick’s theoremSánchez Bernal, Alba Vika
2019Generic injectivity of the Prym map for double ramified coveringsNaranjo del Val, Juan Carlos; Ortega, Angela; Verra, Alessandro
9-Dec-2014Geometria Lineal: Grau de Matemàtiques, UBNaranjo del Val, Juan Carlos
18-Apr-2022Geometry of Prym semicanonical pencils and an application to cubic threefoldsLahoz Vilalta, Martí; Naranjo del Val, Juan Carlos; Rojas, Andrés
2022Global Prym-Torelli for double coverings ramified in at least 6 pointsNaranjo del Val, Juan Carlos; Ortega, Angela
13-Jun-2022Grafs i superfícies de RiemannBlanco Lara, Ana