Browsing by Author Norman, Luke

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Jan-2022Focusing on Comorbidity A Novel Meta-Analytic Approach and Protocol to Disentangle the Specific Neuroanatomy of Co-occurring Mental DisordersFortea, Lydia; Albajes Eizagirre, Anton; Yao, Yuan Wei; Soler, Edu; Verdolini, Norma; Hauson, Alexander O.; Fortea, Adriana; Madero, Santiago; Solanes, Aleix; Wollman, Scott C.; Serra Blasco, María; Wise, Toby; Lukito, Steve; Picó Pérez, Maria; Carlisi, Christina; Zhang, Jin Tao; Pan, PingLei; Farré Colomés, Álvar; Arnone, Danilo; Kempton, Matthew J.; Soriano Mas, Carles; Rubia, Katya; Norman, Luke; Fusar-Poli, Paolo; Mataix Cols, David; Valentí Ribas, Marc; Via, Esther; Cardoner, N. (Narcís); Solmi, Marco; Shin, Jae I.; Vieta i Pascual, Eduard, 1963-; Radua, Joaquim