Showing results 1 to 20 of 23
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1-Oct-2021 | A socioecological integrated analysis of the Barcelona metropolitan agricultural landscapes | Marull, Joan; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Cirera, Jacob; Giocoli, Annalisa; Pons Sanvidal, Manel; Tello, Enric |
2015 | Abran las minas, cierren el campo. Situación de la minería en el Estado y confrontación con la Soberanía Alimentaria | Padró i Caminal, Roc; Marco Lafuente, Inés |
15-Feb-2018 | Agroecological Landscape Modelling as a Deliberative Tool, Learning from Social Metabolism Assessment of Historical Transitions to Industrial Agriculture for Future Sustainable Food System | Padró i Caminal, Roc |
16-Jun-2017 | Agroecosystem energy transitions in the old and new worlds: trajectories and determinants at the regional scale | Gingrich, Simone; Marco Lafuente, Inés; Aguilera, Eduardo; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Cattaneo, Claudio; Cunfer, Geoff; Guzmán Casado, Gloria I.; MacFayden, Joshua; Watson, Andrew |
Jun-2019 | Beyond Chayanov: A sustainable agroecological farm reproductive analysis of peasant domestic units and rural communities (Sentmenat; Catalonia, 1860) | Padró i Caminal, Roc; Marco Lafuente, Inés; Font Moragón, Carme; Tello, Enric |
Mar-2020 | Dialogues on nature, class and gender: Revisiting socio-ecological reproduction in past organic advanced agriculture (Sentmenat, Catalonia, 1850) | Marco Lafuente, Inés; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Tello, Enric |
Jul-2016 | Energy-Landscape Integrated Analysis: A proposal for measuring complexity in internal agroecosystem processes (Barcelona Metropolitan Region) | Marull, Joan; Font Moragón, Carme; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Tello, Enric; Panazzolo, Andrea |
2021 | Ensenyar ODS a través de l'ApS: la importància de l'ensenyament actiu de les competències transversals | Grasa Martínez, Maria del Mar; Esparza Pagès, Mireia; Tello, Enric; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Alió, M. Àngels (Maria Àngels) |
Sep-2022 | Explorar escenarios posibles de transición agroecológica con el modelo SAFRA | Padró i Caminal, Roc; Tello, Enric |
31-May-2022 | Exploring Agroecology Transition Scenarios: A Pfaundler's Spectrum Assessment on the Relocation of Agri-Food Flows | Padró i Caminal, Roc; Tello, Enric |
2011 | 'Formiguers', a historical system of soil fertilization (and biochar production?) | Olarieta, José Ramón; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Masip Vilà, Gemma; Rodríguez Ochoa, Rafael; Tello, Enric |
Apr-2018 | From vineyards to feedlots: a fund-flow scanning of sociometabolic transition in the Vallès County (Catalonia) 1860-1956-1999 | Marco Lafuente, Inés; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Cattaneo, Claudio; Caravaca, Jonathan; Tello, Enric |
May-2020 | How farmers shape cultural landscapes. Dealing with information in farm systems (Vallès County, Catalonia, 1860) | Font Moragón, Carme; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Cattaneo, Claudio; Marull, Joan; Tello, Enric; Alabert, Aureli; Farré, Mercè |
2016 | Introducció de l'Aprenentatge Servei al grau de Ciències Ambientals | Esparza Pagès, Mireia; Grasa Martínez, Maria del Mar; Alió, M. Àngels (Maria Àngels); Padró i Caminal, Roc |
Jul-2020 | Labour, nature, and exploitation: Social metabolism and inequality in a farming community in mid‐19th century Catalonia | Marco Lafuente, Inés; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Tello, Enric |
2016 | Los paisajes agrícolas, forestales y ganaderos: una herencia histórica (1850-2000) | Tello, Enric; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Font Moragón, Carme; Marull, Joan |
1-Dec-2020 | Modelling the scaling up of sustainable farming into Agroecology Territories: Potentials and bottlenecks at the landscape level in a Mediterranean case study | Padró i Caminal, Roc; Tello, Enric; Marco Lafuente, Inés; Olarieta, José Ramón; Grasa Martínez, Maria del Mar; Font Moragón, Carme |
2018 | More than energy transformations: a historical transition from organic to industrialized farm systems in a Mediterranean village (Les Oluges, Catalonia, 1860-1959-1999) | Díez Sanjuán, Lucía; Cussó i Segura, Xavier; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Marco Lafuente, Inés; Cattaneo, Claudio; Olarieta, José Ramón; Garrabou, Ramon, 1937-; Tello, Enric |
Jan-2016 | Opening the black box of energy throughputs in farm systems: A decomposition analysis between the energy returns to external inputs, internal biomass reuses and total inputs consumed (the Vallès County, Catalonia, c.1860 and 1999) | Tello, Enric; Galán del Castillo, Elena; Sacristán Adinolfi, Vera; Cunfer, Geoff; Guzmán Casado, Gloria I.; González de Molina, Manuel; Krausmann, Fridolin; Gingrich, Simone; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Marco Lafuente, Inés; Moreno-Delgado, David |
13-Mar-2020 | The Loss of Landscape Ecological Functionality in the Barcelona Province (1956-2009): Could Land-Use History Involve a Legacy for Current Biodiversity? | Tello, Enric; Marull, Joan; Padró i Caminal, Roc; Cattaneo, Claudio; Coll, Francesc |