Browsing by Author Tres Oliver, Alba

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 65  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Sep-2015Acid and re-esterified rapeseed oils as alternative vegetable oils rainbow trout diets: Effects on lipid digestibility and growthTrullàs, C; Fontanillas, R.; Tres Oliver, Alba; Barroeta, A.C.; Sala, Roser
28-Jul-2017Aquest estiu, gaudeix d’una bona orxata de xuflaMartín Venegas, Raquel; Tres Oliver, Alba; Ferrer i Roig, Ruth; Grup de Recerca LiBiFood
25-Jan-2020Associations of breast milk microbiota, immune factors, and fatty acids in the rat mother-offspring pairAzagra Boronat, Ignasi; Tres Oliver, Alba; Massot Cladera, Malen; Franch i Masferrer, Àngels; Castell, Margarida; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc; Pérez-Cano, Francisco J.; Rodríguez Lagunas, María José
2016Authentication of Iberian dry-cured ham: New approaches by polymorphic fingerprint and ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometryBayés-García, Laura; Tres Oliver, Alba; Vichi, S. (Stefania); Calvet Pallàs, Maria Teresa; Cuevas Diarte, Miguel Ángel; Codony Salcedo, Rafael; Boatella, J.; Caixach Gamisans, Josep; Ueno, S.; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
Jan-2019Catalan virgin olive oil Protected Designations of Origin: physicochemical and major sensory attributesVichi, S. (Stefania); Tres Oliver, Alba; Quintanilla-Casas, Beatriz; Bustamante Alonso, Julen; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc; Martí, Esteve; Hermoso, Juan F.; Ninot, Antònia; Romero, Agustí
5-Jun-2020Chemical Markers to Distinguish the Homo- And Heterozygous Bitter Genotype in Sweet Almond KernelsVichi, S. (Stefania); Mayer, Morgana N.; León-Cárdenas, María G.; Quintanilla-Casas, Beatriz; Tres Oliver, Alba; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc; Batlle, Ignasi; Romero, Agustí
2016Co-spray-drying of a heme iron ingredient to decrease its pro-oxidant effect in lipid-containing foodsAlemán, Mercedes; Bou Novensà, Ricard; Polo Pozo, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez, Carmen; Tres Oliver, Alba; Codony Salcedo, Rafael; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
15-Jan-2021Composition and Nutritional Value of Acid Oils and Fatty Acid Distillates Used in Animal FeedingVarona, Elisa; Tres Oliver, Alba; Rafecas Martínez, Magdalena; Vichi, S. (Stefania); Barroeta, A.C.; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
2-Jun-2020Determination and Comparison of the Lipid Profile and Sodium Content of Gluten-Free and Gluten-Containing Breads from the Spanish MarketTres Oliver, Alba; Tarnovska, Natalia; Varona, Elisa; Quintanilla-Casas, Beatriz; Vichi, S. (Stefania); Gibert, Anna; Vilchez, Elisenda; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
1-Apr-2022Development of innovative analytical strategies for olive oil quality and authenticity assessmentQuintanilla-Casas, Beatriz
29-Jun-2009Dietary n-6- or n-3-rich vegetable fats and antioxidants: effects on fatty acid composition and stability of rabbit plasma, liver and meatTres Oliver, Alba; Bou Novensà, Ricard; Codony Salcedo, Rafael; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
22-Feb-2023Diseño de un programa formativo para la mejora de las competencias y habilidades en la preparación y conducción de presentaciones orales en los grados de nutrición humana y dietética (NHD) y de ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos (CTA)Pérez Bosch, Maria; López Tamames, Elvira; Aguilera, María del Carmen; Veciana Nogués, María Teresa; Tres Oliver, Alba; Latorre Moratalla, Mariluz; Llorach, Rafael; Grau, Maria; Urpí Sardà, Mireia
Feb-2010Effect of feed fat by-products with trans fatty acids and heated oil on cholesterol and oxycholesterols in chickenUbhayasekera, Sarojini J. K. A; Tres Oliver, Alba; Codony Salcedo, Rafael; Dutta, Paresh C.
6-Jan-2023Effect of Feeding Acid Oils on European Seabass Fillet Lipid Composition, Oxidative Stability, Color, and Sensory AcceptanceAlbendea Pérez, Paula; Tres Oliver, Alba; Rafecas Martínez, Magdalena; Vichi, S. (Stefania); Sala, Roser; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
1-Apr-2023Effect of feeding olive pomace acid oil on dark chicken meat lipid composition, oxidative stability, color, and sensory acceptanceAlbendea Pérez, Paula; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc; Rafecas Martínez, Magdalena; Vichi, S. (Stefania); Barroeta, A.C.; Verdú, M.; Tres Oliver, Alba
14-Jun-2023Effect of feeding olive pomace acid oil on pork lipid composition, oxidative stability, colour, and sensory acceptanceAlbendea Pérez, Paula; Tres Oliver, Alba; Rafecas Martínez, Magdalena; Vichi, S. (Stefania); Solà Oriol, David; Verdú, M.; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
9-Jul-2022Effect of freezing, fast-freezing by liquid nitrogen or refrigeration to preserve premium extra virgin olive oil during storageDíez Betriu, Anna; Romero Aroca, Agustí J.; Ninot, Antònia; Tres Oliver, Alba; Vichi, S. (Stefania); Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
3-Jan-2023Effect of the Storage Conditions and Freezing Speed on the Color and Chlorophyll Profile of Premium Extra Virgin Olive OilsDíez Betriu, Anna; Bustamante Alonso, Julen; Romero Aroca, Agustí J.; Ninot, Antònia; Tres Oliver, Alba; Vichi, S. (Stefania); Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
14-Oct-2009Effect of Tocopherol Extract, Staphylococcus carnosus Culture, and Celery Concentrate Addition on Quality Parameters of Organic and Conventional Dry-Cured SausagesMagrinyà Navarro, Núria; Bou Novensà, Ricard; Tres Oliver, Alba; Rius Bofill, Núria; Codony Salcedo, Rafael; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc
Jul-2010Effectiveness of antioxidants in preventing oxidation of palm oil enriched with heme iron: A model for iron fortification in baked productsAlemán, Mercedes; Nuchi, C. D.; Bou Novensà, Ricard; Tres Oliver, Alba; Polo Pozo, Francisco Javier; Guardiola Ibarz, Francesc; Codony Salcedo, Rafael