Browsing by Author Vergés i Masip, Jaume
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
4-Feb-2023 | Advances in the modeling of the Iberian thermal lithosphere and perspectives on deep geothermal studies | Torne, M.; Jimenez-Munt, Ivone; Negredo, A.M.; Fullea, J.; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Marzán, I.; Alcalde Martín, Juan; Gómez Rivas, Enrique; García de la Noceda, C. |
7-Nov-2017 | Changes in fluid regime in syn-orogenic sediments during the growth of the south Pyrenean fold and thrust belt | Cruset Segura, David; Cantero, Irene; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; John, Cédric M.; Muñoz-López, Daniel; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
1988 | Corte compensado del Pirineo oriental: Geometría de las cuencas del antepaís y edades de emplazamiento de los mantos de corrimiento | Martínez, A.; Vergés i Masip, Jaume |
Nov-2016 | Crestal graben fluid evolution during growth of the Puig-reig anticline (South Pyrenean fold and thrust belt) | Cruset Segura, David; Cantarero Abad, Irene; Travé i Herrero, Anna; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; John, Cédric M. |
Jun-2020 | Diagenetic evolution of lower Jurassic platform carbonates flanking the Tazoult salt wall (Central High Atlas, Morocco) | Moragas Rodriguez, Mar; Baqués Almirall, Vinyet; Travé i Herrero, Anna; Martín, Juan Diego (Martín Martín); Saura, Eduard; Messager, Grégoire; Hunt, D.W.; Vergés i Masip, Jaume |
Aug-2015 | Fault-controlled and stratabound Dolostones in the Late Aptian-earliest Albian Benassal Formation (Maestrat Basin, E Spain): petrology and geochemistry constrains | Martín, Juan Diego (Martín Martín); Travé i Herrero, Anna; Gómez Rivas, Enrique; Salas, Ramon (Salas Roig); Sizun, Jean Pierre; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Corbella i Cordomí, Mercè; Stafford, S.L.; Alfonso Abella, María Pura |
Aug-2023 | Fluid evolution from extension to compression in the Pyrenean Fold Belt and Basque-Cantabrian Basin: A review | Cruset Segura, David; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Muñoz López, Daniel; Moragas Rodriguez, Mar; Cantarero Abad, Irene; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
27-Jun-2008 | Foreland propagation folding and structure of the mountain front flexure in the Pusht-e Kuh Arc (NW Zagros, Iran) | Emami, Hadi |
12-Jun-2020 | From hydroplastic to brittle deformation: Controls on fluid flow in fold and thrust belts. Insights from the Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet (SE Pyrenees) | Cruset Segura, David; Cantarero Abad, Irene; Benedicto Esteban, Antonio; John, C.M.; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Albert, Richard; Gerdes, Axel; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
20-Jun-2020 | Geochronological and geochemical data from fracture-filling calcites from the Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet (SE Pyrenees) | Cruset Segura, David; Cantarero Abad, Irene; Benedicto, Antonio; John, Cédric M.; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Albert, Richard; Gerdes, Axel; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
1-Feb-2018 | Jurassic rifting to post-rift subsidence analysis in the Central High Atlas and its relation to salt diapirism | Moragas Rodriguez, Mar; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Saura, Eduard; Martín, Juan Diego (Martín Martín); Messager, Grégoire; Merino Tomé, Óscar; Suárez Ruiz, Isabel; Razin, Philippe; Grélaud, Carine; Malaval, Manon; Joussiaume, Rémi; Hunt, David, 1942- |
2003 | Marine and transitional Middle/Upper Eocenen units of the Southeastern Pyrenean Foreland Basin (NE Spain) | Serra-Kiel, Josep; Travé i Herrero, Anna; Mató, E.; Saula, E.; Ferràndez i Cañadell, Carles; Busquets, Pere (Busquets i Buezo); Tosquella i Angrill, Josep; Vergés i Masip, Jaume |
1988 | Morfologia del basament del Pirineu oriental: evolució i relació amb els mantells de corriment | Clavell i Vergés, Eduard; Martínez, A.; Vergés i Masip, Jaume |
12-Jun-2017 | Multidisciplinary characterization of diapiric basins integrating field examples, numerical and analogue modelling: Central High Atlas Basin (Morocco) | Moragas Rodriguez, Mar |
1-Dec-2021 | Multiple fluid flow events from salt-related rifting to basin inversion (Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet, SE Pyrenees) | Cruset Segura, David; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Benedicto Esteban, Antonio; Gómez Rivas, Enrique; Cantarero Abad, Irene; John, Cédric M.; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
10-Jun-2008 | Numerical modeling of transient multiphase thermo–mechanical problems: Application to the oceanic lithosphere | Zlotnik, Sergio |
7-Sep-2020 | Quantifying deformation processes in the SE Pyrenees using U-Pb dating of fracture-filling calcites | Cruset Segura, David; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Albert, Richard; Gerdes, Axel; Benedicto Esteban, Antonio; Cantero, Irene; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
1988 | Secuencias de propagación del sistema de cabalgamientos de la terminación oriental del manto del Pedraforta y relación con los conglomerados sinorogénicos | Martínez, A.; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Muñoz, J. A. |
12-Jul-2019 | Sequential fluid migration along a fold and thrust belt: SE Pyrenees from Late Cretaceous to Oligocene | Cruset Segura, David |
1-Sep-2022 | Spatio-temporal variation of fluid flow behavior along a fold: The Bóixols-Sant Corneli anticline (Southern Pyrenees) from UPb dating and structural, petrographic and geochemical constraints | Muñoz-López, Daniel; Cruset Segura, David; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Cantarero Abad, Irene; Benedicto Esteban, Antonio; Mangenot, Xavier; Albert, Richard; Gerdes, Axel; Beranoaguirre, Aratz; Travé i Herrero, Anna |