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Title: Continuum Double Exchange Model
Author: Román Faúndez, José María
Soto Riera, Joan
Keywords: Materials magnètics
Teoria de camps (Física)
Diagrames de fase
Magnetic materials
Field theory (Physics)
Phase diagrams
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: We present a continuum model for doped manganites which consist of two species of quantum spin-1 / 2 fermions interacting with classical spin fields. The phase structure at zero temperature turns out to be considerably rich: antiferromagnetic insulator, antiferromagnetic two band conducting, canted two band conducting, canted one band conducting, and ferromagnetic one band conducting phases are identified, all of them being stable against phase separation. There are also regions in the phase diagram where phase separation occurs
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It is part of: Physical Review B, 1999, vol. 59, núm. 17, p. 11418-11423
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ISSN: 0163-1829
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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