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Title: Erasing the glassy state in magnetic fine particles
Author: García del Muro y Solans, Montserrat
Batlle Gelabert, Xavier
Labarta, Amílcar
Keywords: Propietats magnètiques
Vidres de spin
Magnetic properties
Spin glasses
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: BaFe10.4Co0.8Ti0.8O19 magnetic fine particles exhibit most of the features attributed to glassy behavior, e.g., irreversibility in the hysteresis loops and in the zero-field-cooling and field-cooling curves extends up to very high fields, and aging and magnetic training phenomena occur. However, the multivalley energy structure of the glassy state can be strongly modified by a field-cooling process at a moderate field. Slow relaxation experiments demonstrate that the intrinsic energy barriers of the individual particles dominate the behavior of the system at high cooling fields, while the energy states corresponding to collective glassy behavior play the dominant role at low cooling fields.
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It is part of: Physical Review B, 1999, vol. 59, núm. 21, p. 13584-13587
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ISSN: 0163-1829
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física de la Matèria Condensada)

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