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Title: Do governments tax agglomeration rents?
Author: Koh, Hyun-Ju
Riedel, Nadine
Keywords: Concentració industrial
Impostos sobre societats
Economia regional
Industrial concentration
Corporate taxes
Regional economics
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Institut d’Economia de Barcelona
Series/Report no: [WP E-IEB10/21]
Abstract: Using the German local business tax as a testing ground, we empirically investigate the impact of firm agglomeration on municipal tax setting behavior. The analysis exploits a rich data source on the population of German firms to construct detailed measures for the communities' agglomeration characteristics. The findings indicate that urbanization and localization economies exert a positive impact on the jurisdictional tax rate choice which confirms predictions of the theoretical New Economic Geography (NEG) literature. Further analysis suggests a qualification of the NEG argument by showing that a municipality's potential to tax agglomeration rents depends on its firm and industry agglomeration relative to neighboring communities. To account for potential endogeneity problems, our analysis exploits long-lagged population and infrastructure variables as instruments for the agglomeration measures.
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It is part of: IEB Working Paper 2010/21
Appears in Collections:IEB (Institut d’Economia de Barcelona) – Working Papers

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