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Title: Didàctica de la probabilitat i l'estadística per projectes
Author: Yélamos Bayarri, Gisela
Director/Tutor: Julià de Ferran, Olga
Keywords: Didàctica de la matemàtica
Treballs de fi de grau
Currículums (Ensenyament)
Aprenentatge actiu
Didàctica de la matemàtica
Bachelor's theses
Curricula (Courses of study)
Active learning
Issue Date: 29-Jun-2017
Abstract: [en] This paper is about project work, a current methodology in the classroom. My goal in realizing it has been on the one hand, to know the current documents used in education. On the other hand, discovering and learning a new way of teaching. After the introduction, in the second chapter, you will find parts of the curriculum of primary, secondary and high school education. Information published by the “Department d’Educació”. This curriculum becomes the guide for school educational activities and his spine is basic competencies (10 for primary, 12 for E.S.O. and 6 for high school). In a mathematics curriculum based on basic competences beyond the blocks of traditional content (numbering and calculation, change and relations, space and form; measurement, statistics and randomness), the processes that are developed throughout the whole Mathematical work (problem solving; reasoning and testing; connections; communication and representation). We mean by competence, the ability to use knowledge and skills, in a transversal and interactive way, in contexts and situations that need the intervention of knowledge related to different sciences, which implies the understanding, reflection and discernment being aware the social dimension of each situation. In the next two chapters, in develops the method of projects. First, mentioning what they are and how they work (choose the project, data types, resources ...). The main features of project work are cooperative learning, the use of many challenges and direct contact with reality. Students are the center of learning and the projects promote their autonomy. Here are two examples of projects: "Random Intuitions" (using randomly simulating a coin launching) and "Medical tests" (to apply the conditioned probability).
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2017, Director: Olga Julià de Ferran
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Matemàtiques

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