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Title: Stability of Z strings in strong magnetic fields
Author: Garriga Torres, Jaume
Montes, Xavier
Keywords: Teoria de camps (Física)
Models de corda
General theory of fields and particles
Stellar systems; interstellar medium; galactic and extragalactic objects and systems; the Universe
String models
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: American Physical Society
Abstract: We show that the Z-strings of the standard electroweak theory can be stabilized by strong external magnetic fields, provided that $\beta^{1/2} \equiv M_H/M_Z\leq 1$, where $M_H$ and $M_Z$ are the Higgs and Z masses. The magnetic fields needed are larger than $\beta^{1/2} B_c$ and smaller than $B_c$, where $B_c\equiv M^2_W/e$ is the critical magnetic field which causes W-condensation in the usual broken phase vacuum. If such magnetic fields were present after the electroweak transition, they would stabilize strings for a period comparable to the inverse Hubble rate at that time. Pair creation of monopoles and antimonopoles linked by segments of string is briefly considered.
Note: Reproducció digital del document proporcionada per PROLA i
It is part of: Physical Review Letters, 1995, vol. 75, núm. 12, p. 2268-2271
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ISSN: 0031-9007
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física de la Matèria Condensada)

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