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Title: Applet of Fabry-Perot interferometer
Author: Andilla i Salla, Jordi
Carnicer González, Arturo
Ferrer Borrull, Josep
Francisco Moneo, J. Ramón de
Juvells Prades, Ignacio
Martín Badosa, Estela
Pleguezuelos Aguilera, Encarnación
Tudela Fernández, Raúl
Mas Soler, Josep
Universitat de Barcelona. Grup d'Innovació Docent en Òptica Física i Fotònica
Keywords: Óptica física
Java (Llenguatge de programació)
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2010
Abstract: This application allows you to study the factors involved in an experiment with a Fabry-Perot interferometer. It lets you visualize the result of the multiple-wave interferences produced in the interferometer cavity when an extended source emitting two extremely close wavelengths is used. In this way, the resolving power of the instrument can be observed under different conditions. The influence of the reflection coefficient of the interferometer inner faces on the visibility and the resolving power can be investigated as well.
Note: Part of Joptics, an ensemble of teaching resources for Physical Optics at university level as part of physics or optics and optometry studies.
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Appears in Collections:OMADO (Objectes i MAterials DOcents)

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fabry.jarjar file69 kBapplication/java-archiveView/Open
fabry_en.htmlHome file1.85 kBHTMLView/Open

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