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Title: Lower subdifferentiability of quadratic functions
Author: Martínez Legaz, Juan Enrique
Romano Rodríguez, Susana
Keywords: Funcions de diverses variables reals
Programació (Matemàtica)
Universitat de Barcelona. Institut de Matemàtica
Issue Date: 1990
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona
Series/Report no: Mathematics Preprint Series; 88
Abstract: In this paper we characterize those quadratic functions whose restrictions to a convex set are boundedly lower subdifferentiable and, for the case of closed hyperbolic convex sets, those which are lower subdifferentiable but not boundedly lower subdifferentiable. Once characterized, we will study the applicability of the cutting plane algorithm of Plastria to problems where the objective function is quadratic and boundedly lower subdifferentiable.
Note: Preprint enviat per a la seva publicació en una revista científica: Mathematical Programming 60, 93–113 (1993). []
Note: Reproducció digital del document original en paper [CRAI Biblioteca de Matemàtiques i Informàtica - Dipòsit Departament CAIXA 32.28]
Appears in Collections:Preprints de Matemàtiques - Mathematics Preprint Series

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