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Title: Dark tourism and Memorial tourism: nexus and divergences between theoretical models
Author: González Vázquez, David
Keywords: Turisme negre
Dark tourism
Issue Date: Nov-2018
Publisher: Varna University of Management
Abstract: In the context of the huge diversification in the field of cultural heritage, there are nowadays many touristic places whose main appeal lies in the connection with tragic events. Beyond the scope of cultural tourism, it may be confusing to classify them due to the extraordinary richness and heterogeneity of the different types of tourism as typified by tourism science. Thus, the scientific community uses several labels to name the tourism practices carried out in touristic places linked to tragedy. Among the many, it is worth pointing out dark tourism and memorial tourism, not only because of their undeniable academic impact, but also because of the media relevance gained. This article deals with the problems faced when it comes to determining the boundaries of what may be considered dark tourism or memorial tourism. After a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical contributions regarding both models, what is most relevant is why and in which contexts one term or the other is used.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: European Journal of Tourism research, 2018, num. 20, p. 46-58
ISSN: 1994-7658
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Didàctiques Aplicades)

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