Articles publicats en revistes (Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1493
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Nov-2023In Memoriam, Ramon Maria Masalles i SaumellNinot i Sugrañes, Josep Maria; Sans, Xavier (Sans i Serra); Blanco Moreno, José Manuel
1-Dec-2024Biodiversity and potential functionality of biofilm-sediment biotope in La Muerte lagoon, Monegros Desert, SpainBerlanga Herranz, Mercedes; Picart, Pere; Blasco, Arnau; Benaiges-Fernandez, Robert; Guerrero, Ricardo, 1943-; Butturini, Andrea; Urmeneta, Jordi
1-Apr-2024Effects of agricultural landscape heterogeneity on pollinator visitation rates in Mediterranean oilseed rapeNeira, Pablo; Blanco Moreno, José Manuel; Olave, Magdalena; Caballero López, Berta; Sans, Xavier (Sans i Serra)
Oct-2022Non-breeding distribution and at-sea activity patterns of the smallest European seabird, the European Storm Petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus)Militão, Teresa; Sanz-Aguilar, Ana; Rotger, Andreu; Ramos Lobo, Raúl
Nov-2023Human activities disrupt the temporal dynamics of salinity in Spanish riversMoyano Salcedo, Alvaro Javier; Estévez, Edurne; Salvadó i Cabré, Humbert; Barquín, José; Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel
24-Mar-2022Estimating peanut and soybean photosynthetic traits using leaf spectral reflectance and advance regression modelsBuchaillot, Ma. Luisa; Soba, David; Shu, Tianchu; Liu, Juan; Aranjuelo, Iker; Araus Ortega, José Luis; Runion, G. Brett; Prior, Stephen A.; Kefauver, Shawn Carlisle; Sanz-Saez, Alvaro
10-Feb-2023Drying shapes the ecological niche of aquatic fungi with implications on ecosystem functioningArias-Real, Rebeca; Menéndez López, Margarita; Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel; Pascoal, Cláudia
Jan-2023Assessing the current status of Hexanchus griseus in the Mediterranean Sea using local ecological knowledgeNuez, Ignasi; Giovos, Ioannis; Tiralongo, Francesco; Penadés-Suay, Jaime; Cetkovic, Ilija; Di Lorenzo, Manfredi; Kleitou, Periklis; Bakiu, Rigers; Nejmeddine Bradai, Mohamed; Almabruk, Sara A.A.; Spyridopoulou, Roxani Naasan Aga; Sabbio, Andréa; Gazo i Pérez, Manel
15-Dec-2022Multiple drying aspects shape dissolved organic matter composition in intermittent streamsGranados, Verónica; Arias-Real, Rebeca; Gutiérrez-Cánovas, Cayetano; Obrador Sala, Biel; Butturini, Andrea
Nov-2022Will climate change affect the survival of tropical and subtropical species? Predictions based on Bulwer's petrel populations in the NE Atlantic OceanCruz-Flores, Marta; Pradel, Roger; Bried, Joël; Militão, Teresa; Neves, Verónica C.; González-Solís, Jacob; Ramos Lobo, Raúl
10-Sep-2022Patterns of species richness, abundance and individual-size distributions in native-stream fish assemblages invaded by exotic and translocated fishesMaceda Veiga, Alberto; Mac Nally, Ralph; Sostoa Fernández, Adolfo de; Yen, Jian D.L.
Aug-2022Intrapopulation and temporal differences of phthalate concentrations in North Atlantic fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus)Garcia-Garin, Odei; Sahyoun, Wissam; Net, Sopheak; Vighi, Morgana; Aguilar, Àlex; Ouddane, Baghdad; Víkingsson, Gísli A.; Chosson, Valerie; Borrell Thió, Assumpció
20-Jun-2022Regional precipitation trends since 1500 CE reconstructed from calcite sublayers of a varved Mediterranean lake record (Central Pyrenees)Vegas Vilarrúbia, Teresa Elena; Corella, Juan Pablo; Sigró, Javier; Rull, Valentí; Dorado-Liñan, Isabel; Valero-Garcés, Blas; Gutiérrez Merino, Emilia
5-Nov-2022Fishing activities shape the flight behaviour of an opportunistic predator speciesOuled-Cheikh, Jazel; Ramírez Benítez, Francisco José; Sánchez Fortún, Moisès; Cortejana, Augusto; Sanpera Trigueros, Carola; Carrasco, Josep Lluís
Apr-2024Use of trait concepts and terminology in freshwater ecology: Historic, current, and future perspectivesGutiérrez-Cánovas, Cayetano; Stubbington, Rachel; Schiller Calle, Daniel von; Bolpagni, Rossano; Colls, Miriam; Datry, Thibault; Marcé Romero, Rafael; Bruno, Daniel
17-May-2017Convergence of gut microbiotas in the adaptive radiations of African cichlid fishesBaldo, Laura; Pretus Real, Joan Lluís; Riera, Joan Lluís; Musilova, Zuzana; Bitja Nyom, Arnold Roger; Salzburger, Walter
2022Smittia pratti sp. n., a new riparian species from the up-per basin of the Cinqueta River, Spanish Pyrenees [Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae]Moubayed, Joel; Acosta Rivas, Carlos Raúl; Prat i Fornells, Narcís
1-Apr-2024Assumptions about survival estimates and dispersal processes can have severe impacts on population viability assessmentsBadia-Boher, Jaume A.; Real, Joan; Hernández Matías, Antonio, 1974-
14-Mar-2024The atlas of unburnable oil for supply-side climate policiesPellegrini, Lorenzo; Arsel, Murat; Muñoa, Gorka; Rius-Taberner, Guillem; Mena, Carlos; Orta-Martínez, Martí
Sep-2023The non-dereliction in evolution: Trophic specialisation drives convergence in the radiation of red devil spiders (Araneae: Dysderidae) in the Canary IslandsBellvert Bantí, Adrià; Adrián-Serrano, Silvia; Maciás-Hernández, Nuria; Toft, Søren; Kaliontzopoulou, Antigoni; Arnedo Lombarte, Miquel Àngel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1493