Articles publicats en revistes (Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1491
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Mar-2018Does the severity of non-flow period influence ecosystem structure and function of temporary streams? A mesocosm studyMuñoz Gràcia, Isabel; Abril Cuevas, Meritxell; Casas Ruiz, Joan Pere; Casellas, Maria; Gómez Gener, Lluís; Marcé Romero, Rafael; Menéndez López, Margarita; Obrador Sala, Biel; Sabater, Sergi; von Schiller, Daniel; Acuña, Vicenç
30-Jun-2023El gènere Pedicularis (Orobancàcies) a la Cerdanya i les comarques veïnes.Soriano i Tomàs, Ignasi
22-Jul-2023Genomic signatures suggesting adaptation to ocean acidification in a coral holobiont from volcanic CO2 seepsLeiva, Carlos; Pérez Portela, Rocío; Lemer, Sarah
7-Jun-2023Alterations in the odor profile of plants in cultivar mixtures affect aphid host-location behaviorTous-Fandos, Alba; Gallinguer, Jannicke; Enting, Arnoud; Chamorro Lorenzo, Lourdes; Sans, Xavier (Sans i Serra); Ninkovic, Velemir
21-Jul-2023Salivary secretory immunoglobulin A as a potential biomarker of psychosocial stress response during the first stages of life: A systematic reviewCastro Quintas, Águeda; Palma-Gudiel, Helena; San Martín-Gonzalez, Nerea; Caso, Javier R.; Leza, Juan C.; Fañanás Saura, Lourdes
13-Feb-2023The Spider Silk Standardization Initiative (S3I): A powerful tool to harness biological variability and to systematize the characterization of major ampullate silk fibers spun by spiders from suburban Sydney, AustraliaBlamires, Sean; Lozano-Picazo, Paloma; Bruno, Augusto Luis; Arnedo Lombarte, Miquel Àngel; Ruiz-León, Yolanda; González-Nieto, Daniel; Rojo, Francisco Javier; Elices, Manuel; Guinea, Gustavo Víctor; Pérez-Rigueiro, José
Mar-2022Habitat expansion of a tropical chironomid by seasonal alternation in use of littoral and profundal zonesAlcocer, Javier; Lewis Jr., William M.; Hernández, María del Carmen; Oseguera, Luis A.; Pérez, Vania J.J.; Prat i Fornells, Narcís
2014Susceptibility to Melampsora leaf rust of poplar clones from diverse genetic backgrounds: effects on photochemistry and water relationsElena Jiménez, Georgina; Fernàndez Martínez, Jordi; Zacchini, Massimo; Moret, Assumpció; Fleck, Isabel
5-Apr-2022Elevational and local climate variability predicts thermal breadth of mountain tropical tadpolesPintanel, Pol; Tejedo, Miguel; Merino-Viteri, Andrés; Almeida-Reinoso, Freddy; Salinas-Ivanenko, Sofia; López-Rosero, Andrea C.; Llorente, Gustavo A.; Gutiérrez-Pesquera, Luis M.
16-Sep-2022Coexistence of Native and Invasive Freshwater Turtles: The Llobregat Delta (NE Iberian Peninsula) as a Case StudyFranch, Marc; Llorente, Gustavo A.; Rieradevall i Sant, Maria; Montori, Albert; Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel
2-Mar-2023Proposing a Governance model for environmental crisesKarasmanaki, Evangelia; Mallinis, Giorgos; Mitsopoulos, Ioannis; Karteris, Apostolos; Chrysafis, Irene; Bakaloudis, Dimitrios; Kokkoris, Iannis P.; Maris, Fotis; Arianoutsou, Margarita; Goldammer, Johann G.; Rego, Francisco; Vallejo, V. Ramón (Victoriano Ramón); Tsantopoulos, Georgios
15-Mar-2022Post-fire regeneration traits of understorey shrub species modulate successional responses to high severity fire in Mediterranean pine forestsVasques, A.; Baudena, M.; Vallejo, V. Ramón (Victoriano Ramón); Kéfi, S.; Bautista, S.; Santana, V. M.; Baeza, M. J.; Maia, P.; Keizer, J. J.; Rietkerk, M.
12-Jun-2023Drought Impact on the Morpho‐Physiological Parameters of Perennial Rhizomatous Grasses in the Mediterranean EnvironmentArias, Claudia; Lino Villanueva, Gladys Liliana; Sánchez, Elena; Nogués Mestres, Salvador; Serrat Gurrera, Xavier
3-Feb-2023Not all field margins are equally useful: Effects of the vegetation structure of margins on cereal aphids and their natural enemiesSalat-Moltó, Agnès; Caballero López, Berta; Pérez-Hidalgo, Nicolás; Michelena, José M.; Ferrer Suay, Mar; Guerrieri, Emilio; Blanco Moreno, José Manuel
13-Nov-2021What DNA barcodes reveal: microhabitat preference, hunting strategy and dispersal ability drive genetic variation across Iberian spider speciesDomènech Andreu, Marc; Malumbres-Olarte, Jagoba; Enguídanos, Alba; Múrria i Farnós, Cesc; Arnedo Lombarte, Miquel Àngel
31-Jul-2021Raptor reintroductions: Cost-effective alternatives to captive breeding.Badia-Boher, Jaume A.; Hernández Matías, Antonio, 1974-; Viada, Carlota; Real, Joan
3-May-2023Irisin as a Novel Biomarker of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Severe ObesityCarmona-Maurici, Júlia; Rosa de la Cruz, Araceli; Azcona-Granada, Natalia; Peña, Elionora; Ricart i Jané, David; Viñas, Anna; López Tejero, M. Dolores; Domingo i Pedrol, Joan Carles; Miñarro Alonso, Antonio; Baena-Fustegueras, Juan Antonio; Peinado Onsurbe, Julia; Pardina Arrese, Eva
1-May-2023Joint estimation of survival and dispersal effectively corrects the permanent emigration bias in mark‑recapture analysesBadia-Boher, Jaume A.; Real, Joan; Riera, Joan Lluís; Bartumeus, Frederic; Parés, Francesc; Bas, Josep Maria; Hernández Matías, Antonio, 1974-
Jun-2022Biology and ecology of lionfish (Pterois volitans) in the Corales de Profundidad Natural National Park, Colombian Caribbean.Sanjuan-Muñoz, Adolfo; Bustos-Montes, Diana; Polo-Silva, Carlos Julio; Henao-Castro, Alejandro; Marrugo, Milena; Delgado-Huertas, Antonio; Vinyoles Cartanyà, Dolors; Acero P., Arturo
1-Jan-2022Leaders-cheaters in male group cooperation: differences in nonverbal communication and genetic factorsRostovtseva, V. V.; Butovskaya, M. L.; Mezentseva, A. A.; Butovskaya, P. R.; Rosa de la Cruz, Araceli; Mesa Gonzalez, T.; Lazebny, O. E.; Rosa, A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1491