Articles publicats en revistes (Llengües i Literatures Modernes i Estudis Anglesos) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 456
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Is L2 pronunciation affected by increased task complexity in pronunciation-unfocused speaking tasks? Mora Plaza, Ingrid; Mora, Joan C.; Ortega, Mireia; Aliaga García, Cristina
1-Apr-2023Challenging normativity: experiences in queerifying the classroomRequena Pelegrí, Teresa; López, Gemma (López Sánchez); Aaouinti-Haris, Asmaa
Oct-2024Extensive viewing and L2 vocabulary learning: Two studies in EFL classes with children and adolescentsGesa Vidal, Ferran; Miralpeix, Imma
24-Jun-2021How do differences in exposure affect English language learning? A comparison of teenagers in two learning environmentsMuñoz Lahoz, Carme; Cadierno, Teresa
27-Jun-2024When to switch captions off? Exploring the effects of L2 proficiency and vocabulary knowledge on comprehension of captioned and uncaptioned TVPujadas Jorba, Geòrgia; Muñoz Lahoz, Carme
30-Jul-2021Measuring the effects of repeated exposure to children's graded readersLlanes Baró, Àngels; Tragant Mestres, Elsa
2-Dec-2022Algunhas bases para comparar a obra de Rosalía de Castro e de Emilia Pardo BazánLama López, María Xesús
26-Jun-2024¿Autocensura o ironía? La retórica del silencio en "Las literatas" de Rosalía de CastroLama López, María Xesús
1-Aug-2021"DON'T BE SORRY. WE DIDN'T DO THIS" Narrating Diaspora and Problematizing Choice in V.V. Ganeshananthan's <em>Love Marriage</em>Alonso Breto, Isabel
30-Jun-2019Arqueología y Texto: la reconstrucción histórica de la colonización de IslandiaGarcía López, Inés, 1976-
18-Oct-2018Historia sin Literatura: estudio comparativo de los proyectos historiográficos modernos en Inglaterra y DinamarcaGarcía López, Inés, 1976-
1-Jan-2019Sunil Yapa's Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist: Protest, Fiction and the Ethics of CareAlonso Breto, Isabel
2021Somewhere between the Colonial and the Postcolonial: An Interview with Gibraltarian Author M. G. SanchezAlonso Breto, Isabel
23-Dec-2023Wor(l)ds from Home and Beyond.Alonso Breto, Isabel; Mantellato, Mattia
20-Dec-2019La traducción del dolor: sobre «La gestión del dolor», de Bharati MukherjeeAlonso Breto, Isabel
26-Sep-2024Concentration-Camp Literature from a Comparative Perspective. Initial RemarksFreixa, Pau
26-Sep-2024Literatura obozowa z perspektywy komparatystycznej. Uwagi wstępneFreixa, Pau
28-Dec-2023"And the House Burned Down": HIV, Intimacy, and Memory in Danez Smith's PoetryRomero Juncosa, Antoni
4-Nov-2024Kertesz versus Semprún: on the aesthetic mediability of violenceSiguan, Marisa
Mar-2017The Pedagogical benefits of a lexical database (SciE-Lex) to assist the production of publishable biomedical texts by EAL writersLaso Martín, Natàlia Judith; John, Suganthi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 456