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Title: The Teaching of Historical Memory as a Tool for Achieving SDG 16 and Teachers' Views on the Exile Memorial Museum (MUME) Routes
Author: González Vázquez, David
Feliu, Maria, 1980-
Íñiguez Gràcia, David
Keywords: Memòria col·lectiva
Desenvolupament sostenible
Ensenyament de la història
Collective memory
Sustainable development
History education
Issue Date: 9-Dec-2021
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: This article analyses the educational role of historical memory in Spain in the context of Education for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. The main objective is to show the utilitarian value of historical memory as an enabling element to achieve SDG 16: "Peace, justice and strong institutions". The study analysed focuses on a very specific heritage product, the exile routes of the Exile Memorial Museum MUME (La Jonquera, Spain), through a series of semi-open in-depth interviews with teachers who visited the routes. Their responses were crosschecked with the learning objectives for SDG 16 in its three categories: cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural. The results of this cross-referencing show that there is a significant relationship between the teaching of heritage in places of memory and the block of socioemotional learning objectives, and more specifically with the third category, related to the display of empathy and solidarity.
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It is part of: Sustainability, 2021, vol. 13, num. 24, p. 13637
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ISSN: 2071-1050
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Didàctiques Aplicades)

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