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Title: Think and Act: Reflective Tool for professionals working with families (TART). Summary version
Author: Fuentes-Peláez, Núria
Parra Ramajo, Belén
Mateos Inchaurrondo, Ainoa
Pérez-Hernando, Sara
Lapadula, Carmelita
Balsells, M. Àngels
Vaquero Tió, Eduard
Cortada, Neus
Urrea Monclús, Aída
Gasion, Júlia
Gómez Carreño, Núria
Hernández Rocamora, Héctor Telémaco
Batifoulie, Sandrine
Contraires, Bernard
Expert, Christiane
James, Léonie
Larrouy, Marie-Annick
Malibert, Charlotte
Martínez, Vivienne
Sedes, Pauline
Fitte-Duval, Annie
Rabiller, Stéphanie
Ius, Marco
Petrella, Andrea
Serbati, Sara
Alga, Maria Livia
Cima, Rosanna
Lovati, Rosa
Migliavacca, Elena
Cojocaru, Daniela
Rus, Cristian
Cojocaru, Stefan
Fedor, Cătălin-George
Costache, Luminita
Bunea, Ovidiu
Keywords: Família
Treball social
Social work
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The IO3 aims to help organise and articulate reflection by the professional who works with families in situations of vulnerability or that are at risk and encourages professionals to continue questioning themselves about the processes of accompanying families with a broad, systemic, and ecological perspective. - The content of TART (IO3) is focused on a series of specific challenges of attention and intervention with today’s families in Europe. These challenges are listed in the previous IO by describing situations (IO1) and mentioning the main challenges that were identified by the professionals, parents, and young people (IO2). - The tool can be used both by the direct care professionals themselves to address their own practice, as well as by professionals who are dedicated to supervising teams, or by professionals who guide the professional practices of university students.
Appears in Collections:Documents de treball / Informes (Grup de Recerca sobre Intervencions Socioeducatives en la Infància i la Joventut (GRISIJ))

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