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dc.contributor.advisorQuiroz López, Verónica Ileana-
dc.contributor.authorRuiz Cárcamo, Catalina-
dc.descriptionTreballs Finals del Màster de Planificació Territorial i Gestió Ambiental, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2021-2022. Tutor: Verónica I. Quiroz Lópezca
dc.description.abstract[spa] Las ciudades deben apostar por un desarrollo sostenible, para esto lo primordial es que los gobiernos locales generen herramientas que les permita un crecimiento armónico; si por el contrario el desarrollo de las ciudades se realiza de manera intensiva y sin restricciones, provocan una serie de problemáticas que afectan a la calidad de vida de sus residentes, una de ellas y la abordada por esta investigación es el desarrollo del espacio público y la jerarquización de una red peatonal y ciclista que apunten a una movilidad sostenible. El caso de aplicación de esta investigación corresponde a la comuna de Quinta Normal, ubicada en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, que se encuentra en el área urbana muy cercana a centros de equipamientos y servicios, este hecho ha provocado que en los últimos años se haya vuelto atractiva para vivir y este sufriendo un proceso de reconversión urbana que en un principio no fue armónico con su entorno. Esta investigación a través de la metodología de planificación estratégica busca diagnosticar la movilidad peatonal y ciclista de la comuna, para que a través de un proceso participativo se plantee jerarquizar una red que promueva el desarrollo del espacio público privilegiando al peatón y ciclista sobre los vehículos particulares. [eng] Cities should bet for a sustainable development, to this porpoise is primordial that local governments ensure the generation of tools that able an harmonic growth, counterwise if the development of cities it's intensive and without restrictions, a series of problematics are developed that impact negatively in the life quality of their residents, being one of them, and the one addressed in this research, the development of public spaces and the preferential hierarchization of commuter's and cyclist's mobility networks in pursues of a sustainable mobility. The study case and it's application it's being cast on the Quinta Normal commune, situated in the Región Metropolitana of Santiago, Chile. Being placed near key urban centers of services and equipments , this phenomena, uncontrolled urban growth, has pertained that the zone it's an increasingly attractive zone for habitation, but with a precedent of unharmonious environmental growth at it has been noted previously. This research, throughout a strategic planning methodology, seeks to make a diagnosis on commuter's and cyclist's mobility in the communne, here so to promote, via participative process, the creation of mobility hyerarchy that favours said means of transportation over those of particular
dc.description.abstract[eng] Cities should bet for a sustainable development, to this porpoise is primordial that local governments ensure the generation of tools that able an harmonic growth, counterwise if the development of cities it's intensive and without restrictions, a series of problematics are developed that impact negatively in the life quality of their residents, being one of them, and the one addressed in this research, the development of public spaces and the preferential hierarchization of commuter's and cyclist's mobility networks in pursues of a sustainable mobility. The study case and it's application it's being cast on the Quinta Normal commune, situated in the Región Metropolitana of Santiago, Chile. Being placed near key urban centers of services and equipments , this phenomena, uncontrolled urban growth, has pertained that the zone it's an increasingly attractive zone for habitation, but with a precedent of unharmonious environmental growth at it has been noted previously. This research, throughout a strategic planning methodology, seeks to make a diagnosis on commuter's and cyclist's mobility in the communne, here so to promote, via participative process, the creation of mobility hyerarchy that favours said means of transportation over those of particular vehicles.-
dc.format.extent120 p.-
dc.rightscc by-nc-nd (c) Ruiz Cárcamo, 2022-
dc.sourceMàster Oficial - Planificació Territorial i Gestió Ambiental-
dc.subject.classificationDesenvolupament sostenible-
dc.subject.classificationTreballs de fi de màster-
dc.subject.otherSustainable development-
dc.subject.otherCity planning-
dc.subject.otherMaster's theses-
dc.titlePropuesta de Jerarquización vial para el Plan de Movilidad Peatonal y Ciclista de la comuna de Quinta Normal de Santiago de Chile, 2022ca
Appears in Collections:Màster Oficial - Planificació Territorial i Gestió Ambiental

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