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Title: Modelling diffusion of innovations in a social network
Author: Guardiola Martínez, Xavier
Díaz Guilera, Albert
Arenas, Àlex
Pérez-Vicente, Conrado, 1962-
Llas Rubio, Mateu
Keywords: Mecànica estadística
Xarxes socials
Sistemes de temps discret
Statistical mechanics
Social networks
Discrete-time systems
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: A simple model of diffusion of innovations in a social network with upgrading costs is introduced. Agents are characterized by a single real variable, their technological level. According to local information, agents decide whether to upgrade their level or not, balancing their possible benefit with the upgrading cost. A critical point where technological avalanches display a power-law behavior is also found. This critical point is characterized by a macroscopic observable that turns out to optimize technological growth in the stationary state. Analytical results supporting our findings are found for the globally coupled case.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Physical Review e, 2000, vol. 66, núm. 2, p. 026121-1-026121-4
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ISSN: 1063-651X
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física de la Matèria Condensada)

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