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Title: CHARM-EU D4.1 - Pedagogical guidelines
Other Titles: Theoretical Background to the CHARM-EU Educational Principles
Author: CHARM-EU Consortium
Keywords: Educació superior
CHARM-EU Consortium
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Publisher: CHARM-EU Consortium
Abstract: The CHARM-EU educational approach is guided by ten principles, and in this resource, we define these principles and explore the theory behind them. This will help you gain an understanding of why these principles were chosen and how they relate to teaching and learning in a CHARM-EU program. A background understanding of these principles is important when designing CHARM-EU modules, teaching CHARM-EU students, and working with other CHARM-EU stakeholders. These guidelines describe CHARM-EU teaching and learning practices at a high level, focusing on theory, definitions, benefits, challenges and best practices2 and provide practical implementation tips for your teaching practic
Note: Project Title: CHARM-EU (Challenge-driven, Accessible, Research-Based and Mobile European University)
Appears in Collections:Documents de Treball / Informes (CHARM-EU (2020-2022))

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