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Title: CHARM-EU D6.4 - Inclusivity Plan Review & Key Findings
Author: CHARM-EU Consortium
Keywords: Educació superior
CHARM-EU Consortium
Issue Date: Dec-2022
Publisher: CHARM-EU Consortium
Abstract: CHARM-EU shares the Inclusivity plan review & key findings with everyone in the higher education sector and beyond: students, academic staff and administrative and any support staff, higher education professionals, and any other stakeholders and policymakers interested in key lessons learned aspects about the design, delivery and, implementation and monitoring processes of the CHARM-EU and its Master’s Programme September 2021 and February 2023. Transforming CHARM-EU often starts with a transforming mindset to create the understanding that inclusiveness is everyone's business – and within everyone's power. A step-by-step approach has been taken to bring inclusion and diversity from the policy papers to our everyday higher education experience by transforming CHARM-EU’s organisational culture, governance models and the CHARM-EU Master's in Global Challenges for Sustainability. Bringing inclusion and diversity to the heart of CHARM-EU, in other words, means mainstreaming diversity and inclusion into every area of CHARM-EU. Indeed, it has been a big task and, some would say, ambitious and impossible. Together with all colleagues and various stakeholders since 2019, we have made many baby steps that have become big steps in transformations. CHARM-EU invites and inspires Everyone to leap to create a more inclusive higher education in Europe and beyond.
Note: Project Title: CHARM-EU (Challenge-driven, Accessible, Research-Based and Mobile European University)
Appears in Collections:Documents de Treball / Informes (CHARM-EU (2020-2022))

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