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Title: Lorenz Population Monotonic Allocation Schemes for TU-games
Author: Izquierdo Aznar, Josep Maria
Montes, Jesús
Rafels, Carles
Keywords: Teoria de jocs
Matemàtica financera
Funcions de variables reals
Jocs d'atzar (Matemàtica)
Game theory
Business mathematics
Functions of real variables
Games of chance (Mathematics)
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Economia i Empresa
Series/Report no: [WP E-Eco23/447]
Abstract: Sprumont (1990) introduces Population Monotonic Allocation Scheme (PMAS) and proves that every assignment game with at least two sellers and two buyers, where each buyer-seller pair derives a positive gain from trade, lacks a PMAS. In particular glove games lacks PMAS. We propose a new cooperative TU-game concept, Lorenz-PMAS, which relaxes some population monotonicity conditions by requiring that the payoff vector of any coalition is Lorenz dominated by the corresponding restricted payoff vector of larger coalitions. We show that every TU-game having a Lorenz-PMAS is totally balanced, but the converse is not true in general. We obtain a class of games having a Lorenz-PMAS, but not PMAS in general. Furthermore, we prove the existence of Lorenz-PMAS for every glove game and for every assignment game with at most five players. Additionally, we also introduce two new notions, Lorenz-PMAS-extendability and Lorenz-PMAS-exactness,and discuss their relationships with the convexity of the game.
It is part of: UB Economics – Working Papers, 2023, E23/447
Appears in Collections:UB Economics – Working Papers [ERE]

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