Articles publicats en revistes (Odontoestomatologia) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1492
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2025Attitude of general dental practitioners, oral surgeons, and dentistry students towards oral lesions and oral biopsySchiavo-Di Flaviano, Verónica; González Navarro, Beatriz; Carreras-Presa, Carmen Martín; Jané Salas, Enric; López López, José, 1958-
1-Oct-2024Knowledge and attitudes of undergraduate dental students at the University of Barcelona regarding antiresorptive and antiangiogenic medications: a cross-sectional studyFuentes-Cazar, Karla; Toledano Serrabona, Jorge; Alves, Fabio; Sánchez Torres, Alba; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Gay Escoda, Cosme; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-Dec-2022Dental stem cells SV40, a new cell line developed in vitro from human stem cells of the apical papillaSanz-Serrano, Diana; Sánchez de Diego, Cristina; Mercadé Bellido, Montserrat; Ventura Pujol, Francesc
16-Feb-2023Accuracy of dental implant placement with or without the use of a dynamic navigation assisted system: A randomized clinical trialJorba-García, Adrià; Bara-Casaus, José-Javier; Camps Font, Octavi; Sánchez Garcés, Ma. Ángeles; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
10-Mar-2020Mechanical complications of implant-supported complete-arch restorations and impact on patient quality of life: A retrospective cohort studySánchez Torres, Alba; Cercadillo-Ibarguren, Iñaki; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Gay Escoda, Cosme; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
26-Feb-2021Accuracy assessment of dynamic computer-aided implant placement: a systematic review and meta-analysisJorba-García, Adrià; González-Barnadas, Albert; Camps Font, Octavi; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
2-Feb-2021Probing single-tooth dental implants with and without prostheses: a cross-sectional study comparing healthy and peri-implant mucositis sitesGarcía-García, Marta; Mir-Mari, Javier; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-Jan-2019A metagenomic study of patients with alveolar osteitis after tooth extraction. A preliminary case-control studyAguilar Durán, Laura; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Seminago, Ramon; Roig, Francisco J.; Llorens, Carlos; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-Oct-2024Accuracy of dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery in fully edentulous patients: An in vitro studyRuiz-Romero, Víctor; Jorba-García, Adrià; Camps Font, Octavi; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-Jul-2024The influence of radiographic marker registration versus a markerless trace registration method on the implant placement accuracy achieved by dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery. An in-vitro studyJorba-García, Adrià; Bara-Casaus, José-Javier; Camps Font, Octavi; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-Nov-2024Prevalence and risk factors of chronic oral complications in head and neck cancer therapies: A retrospective studyBenito-Ramal, Eloy; Camacho-Mourelo, Alex; González Navarro, Beatriz; López López, José, 1958-; Jané Salas, Enric
1-Nov-2024Efficacy of bone morphogenetic protein in comparison with autogenous bonin regeneration of ameloblastoma bone defects. A systematic reviewPelegrin-de-los-Santos, Willmar Yeraldo; Benito-Ramal, Eloy; Toledano Serrabona, Jorge; Sánchez Garcés, Ma. Ángeles
6-Feb-2023Orthodontics in head and neck cancer patients: a literature reviewSánchez Molins, Meritxell; Guedea, Marc; Lozano Borbalas, Alicia; Guedea Edo, Ferran; Ustrell i Torrent, Josep Maria, 1953-
30-Aug-2024Morphometric analysis of the mandibular canal and its anatomical variants in a Chilean subpopulation: cone beam computed tomography studyGuzmán, Jacob; Abarca, Jaime; Navarro, Pablo; Garay, Ivonne; Arnabat Domínguez, Josep; Betancourt Henríquez, Pablo Andrés
1-May-2024Peri-implantitis in patients without regular supportive therapy: Prevalence and risk indicatorsRuiz-Romero, Víctor; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Toledano Serrabona, Jorge; Abdelazim, Yehia; Camps Font, Octavi; Salazar-Salazar, Yamil; Plana-Soler, Aina; Subirà Pifarré, Carles; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-Apr-2022Effect of side switch frequency on masticatory performance and rhythm in adults with natural dentition: A randomized crossover trialIgnatova, Tatiana; Khoury-Ribas, Laura; Flores Orozco, Elan Ignacio; Rovira Lastra, Bernat; Martínez Gomis, Jordi
11-Jun-2024The EORTC QLQ43 and FACT H&N questionnaires of quality of life at 1 and 5 years after treatment and dental care in head and neck cancer patients: A pilot study.Gustavo d'Oliveira, Nuno; Guedea, Marc; Sánchez Molins, Meritxell; Lozano Borbalas, Alicia; Ferrer, Montse; Pont, Angels; Guedea Edo, Ferran; Clotet, Sandra; Juárez, Marc; Araguas, Pablo; Ventura, Montse; Ustrell i Torrent, Josep Maria, 1953-
5-Apr-2024Comprehensive oral diagnosis and management for women with Turner syndromeTallón-Walton, Victòria; Sánchez Molins, Meritxell; Hu, Wenwen; Martínez Abadías, Neus, 1978-; Casado, Aroa; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina
1-Sep-2024The effect on the performance of a dynamic navigation system of superimposing a standard tessellation language (STL) file obtained with an intraoral scan on a cone beam computer tomograph (CBCT). An experimental in vitro studyJorba-García, Adrià; Ruiz-Romero, Víctor; Bara-Casaus, José-Javier; Camps Font, Octavi; Sánchez Garcés, Ma. Ángeles; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-Dec-2023Accuracy of digital and conventional systems in locating occlusal contacts: A clinical studyChaurasia, Akhilanand; Rovira Lastra, Bernat; Khoury-Ribas, Laura; Flores Orozco, Elan Ignacio; Ayuso Montero, Raúl; Martínez Gomis, Jordi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1492