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Title: Detecció de frau en targetes de crèdit/dèbit
Author: Reig Miralles, Àngel Àngel
Director/Tutor: Rufino Alcalde, Hector
Keywords: Targetes de crèdit
Risc de crèdit
Treballs de fi de grau
Credit cards
Credit risk
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The importance of fraud detection has increased over the last years, which is why companies, especially banks, are looking for a solution in this regard. This final degree project focuses on the detection of anomalies in banking transactions with the aim of preventing fraud. A methodology based on Machine learning has been applied using data from a real bank. An unsupervised model based on the Isolation Forest algorithm has been developed to identify anomalous patterns in the transaction logs. The project also includes the implementation of the model in the bank, contributing to the improvement of fraud prevention strategies in the bank.
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau en Estadística UB-UPC, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa (UB) i Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (UPC), Curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Hector Rufino Alcalde
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Estadística UB-UPC

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