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Title: Sporadic fasting reduces attentional control without altering overall executive function in a binary classification task 
Author: Ballestero-Arnau, Marc
Rodríguez Herreros, Borja
Nuño, Neus
Cunillera, Toni
Keywords: Trastorns de l'atenció
Funcions executives (Neuropsicologia)
Dejuni i abstinència
Attention disorders
Executive functions (Neuropsychology)
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2023
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
Abstract: Diets with intermittent fasting are an efficient method for producing clinically significant weight loss and preventing the development of obesity. However, individuals following intermittent fasting must face the difficulty of avoiding eating when experiencing the feeling of hunger. In this study, we investigated which aspects of executive function were affected following a prolonged period of food deprivation in participants that have never previously undergone intermittent fasting. Twenty-six participants with normal weight performed two binary classification tasks (Stop Signal (SST) and Go/NoGo) after either a 12 h fasting or a nonfasting period in separate sessions. We measured their performance in several underlying decision-making processes, such as response inhibition and attentional control. In line with previous studies, our results revealed that decision-making processes to resolve the classification task were unaffected by fasting. Response inhibition, as indexed by the stop signal reaction time in the SST, remained as well unaltered after food deprivation. Rather, we observed a higher error rate in NoGo trials following a fasting period, which was associated with disrupted attentional control. Overall, these results indicate that when a hunger feeling reaches consciousness, it induces deficits over certain aspects of attentional control. Our findings hint at the importance of structured behavioral change strategies to cope with fasting-induced difficulties in attentional control, to help achieve weight management goals through successful self-monitoring of food intake.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Physiology & Behavior, 2023, vol. 260, 114065
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ISSN: 0031-9384
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Cognició, Desenvolupament i Psicologia de l'Educació)
Articles publicats en revistes (Institut de Neurociències (UBNeuro))

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