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Title: Elastocaloric, barocaloric and magnetocaloric effects in spin crossover polymer composite films
Author: Lunser, Klara
Kavak, E.
Gurpinar, K.
Emre, B.
Atakol, O.
Stern Taulats, Enric
Porta, M.
Planes Vila, Antoni
Lloveras, Pol
Tamarit, Josep Lluís
Mañosa, Lluís
Keywords: Ciència dels materials
Propietats tèrmiques
Materials science
Thermal properties
Issue Date: 22-Jul-2024
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
Abstract: Giant barocaloric effects were recently reported for spin-crossover materials. The volume change in these materials suggests that the transition can be influenced by uniaxial stress, and give rise to giant elastocaloric properties. However, no measurements of the elastocaloric properties in these compounds have been reported so far. Here, we demonstrated the existence of elastocaloric effects associated with the spin-crossover transition. We dissolved particles of ([Fe(L)2](BF4)2, [L=2,6di(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine]) into a polymeric matrix. We showed that the application of tensile uniaxial stress to a composite film resulted in a significant elastocaloric effect. The elastocaloric effect in this compound required lower applied stress than for other prototype elastocaloric materials. Additionally, this phenomenon occurred for low values of strain, leading to coefficient of performance of the material being one order of magnitude larger than that of other elastocaloric materials. We believe that spin-crossover materials are a good alternative to be implemented in eco-friendly refrigerators based on elastocaloric effects.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Nature Communications, 2024, vol. 15, p. 6171
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ISSN: 2041-1723
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física de la Matèria Condensada)

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