Màster Oficial - Meteorologia Collection home page

Treballs finals del màster de Meteorologia de la Facultat de Física de la Universitat de Barcelona.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 63
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2024Examining the Energy Imbalance of Eddy-Covariance Measurements in a Tidal WetlandBusquets Rubiés, Angèlica
Jul-2024Indoor air pollution estimates at a city-wide scale in BarcelonaJulian Izquierdo, Andreu
Jun-2024The role of gap-filling observational data in air quality data fusion methods: a case study with CALIOPE PM2.5Barrantes Cepas, Ada
Jul-2024Verification of precipitation type measurements in an inner valleyBalagué Martínez, Marta
Jun-2024Understanding EC-EARTH winter mean precipitation over the tropical Pacific: implications for prediction skillBurillo Martí, Rubèn
Oct-2023Reanalyses for dense shelf water cascading in the Cap de Creus Canyon and the atmospheric winter conditionsFos Serdà, Helena
Jun-2023Calibration and future projections of Monte Perdido glacier evolution with the Open Global Glacier ModelMateos Garcia, Anna
Jan-2023Intrusions de pols sahariana a la costa mediterrània occidentalHernández Dominich, Albert
Jul-2022Smooth Dynamical Downscaling of the Wind with the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS)Gil Bardají, Marta
Oct-2022Desenvolupament de la climatologia dels medicansNebot Roquet, Xènia
Sep-2022Climatologia i classificació sinòptica de mànegues marines al mar Balear (1989-2021)Reynés Vega, Jaume
Jun-2022Observational and modelling analysis of pollutant concentrations and meteorological factors in Andorra: A thermal inversion case studySarasua Etxeberria, Mikel
2021The impact of radiative forcing on the equatorial stratospheric circulationLacima Nadolnik, Aleksander
2021Skill assessment of a set of retrospective decadal climate predictions with EC-EarthRuiz de Morales Céspedes, Jaume
2021Weather Radar Rainfall Summer Analysis of Irrigated vs Rainfed Nearby AreasPolls i Agell, Francesc
2021Fonts potencials d'ozó troposfèric a CatalunyaGili Ciurana, Jordina
2021Impact of the radiative forcing on the winter North Atlantic-European atmospheric circulationGinesta Fernandez, Mireia
2021Application of non-linear models to black carbon modelling at urban scaleRovira Carpi, Jordi
Jan-2020Impact of Asian orography on ENSOAgudetse Roures, Victòria
Mar-2021Mediterranean climate change projections from CMIP5 and CMIP6Cos Espuña, Josep
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 63