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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1244
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2024Decay of RNA and infectious SARS-CoV-2 and murine hepatitis virus in wastewaterPurves, Kevin; Reynolds, Liam J.; Sala Comorera, Laura; Martin, Niamh A.; Dahly, Darren L.; Meijer, Wim G.; Fletcher, Nicola F.
4-Feb-2025Heterochrony in orthodenticle expression is associated with ommatidial size variation between Drosophila speciesTorres-Oliva, Montserrat; Buchberger, Elisa; Buffry, Alexandra D.; Kittelmann, Maike; Guerrero, Genoveva; Sumner-Rooney, Lauren; Gaspar, Pedro; Bullinger, Georg C.; Figueras Jimenez, Javier; Casares, Fernando; Arif, Saad; Posnien, Nico; Nunes, Maria D. S.; McGregor, Alistair P.; Almudí Cabrero, Isabel
20-Dec-2024Persistence of crAssBcn phages in conditions of natural inactivation and disinfection process and their potential role as human source tracking markers Journal: Science of the Total Environment  Gómez-Gómez, Clara; Ramos-Barbero, Maria Dolores; Sala Comorera, Laura; Morales-Cortes, Sara; Vique, Gloria; García Aljaro, Cristina; Muniesa Pérez, Ma. Teresa
8-Jul-2024GALEON: a comprehensive bioinformatic tool to analyse and visualize gene clusters in complete genomesPisarenco, Vadim A.; Vizueta, Joel; Rozas Liras, Julio A.
Nov-2024Population Genomics of Adaptive Radiations: Exceptionally High Levels of Genetic Diversity and Recombination in an Endemic Spider From the Canary IslandsEscuer Pifarré, Paula; Guirao Rico, Sara; Arnedo Lombarte, Miquel Àngel; Sánchez-Gracia, Alejandro; Rozas Liras, Julio A.
23-Jan-2025CAT-Posterior Mean Site Frequencies Improves Phylogenetic Modeling Under Maximum Likelihood and Resolves Tardigrada as the Sister of Arthropoda Plus OnychophoraGiacomelli, Mattia; Vecchi, Matteo; Guidetti, Roberto; Rebecchi, Lorena; Donoghue, Philip D. J.; Lozano-Fernandez, Jesus; Pisani, Davide
2024<span style="background-color:white;color:rgb( 42 , 42 , 42 )">The Catalan initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project: contributing local data to global biodiversity genomics</span>Corominas, Montserrat (Corominas Guiu); Marquès i Bonet, Tomàs, 1975-; Arnedo Lombarte, Miquel Àngel; Bayés Colomer, Mònica; Belmonte, Jordina; Escrivà, Hector; Fernández, Rosa; Gabaldón, Toni; Garnatje i Roca, Teresa; Germain, Josep; Niell, Manel; Palero Pastor, Ferran; Pons, Joan; Puigdomènech, Pere; The Catalan initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project; Arroyo, Vanesa; Cuevas-Caballé, Cristian; Ferrer Obiol, Joan; Gut, Ivo G.; Gut, Marta; Hidalgo Grani, Oriane; Izquierdo-Arànega, Guillem; Pérez-Sorribes, Laia; Righi, Emilio; Riutort León, Marta; Vallès Xirau, Joan, 1959-; Rozas Liras, Julio A.; Alioto, Tyler S.; Guigó, Roderic
18-Dec-2024Editorial: Applied bioinformatics in insect physiologyVenthur, Herbert; Vizueta, Joel; Lozano-Fernandez, Jesus
1-Sep-2022Genetic Study of Susceptibility of Atypical Femoral Fractures Related to Bisphosphonate TreatmentGarcia Giralt, Natàlia; Roca Ayats, Neus; Abril Ferrando, Josep Francesc, 1970-; Martínez-Gil, Núria; Ovejero, Diana; Castañeda, Santos; Nogués Solán, Xavier; Grinberg Vaisman, Daniel Raúl; Balcells Comas, Susana; Rabionet Janssen, Raquel
Jan-2020RBFOX1, a splicing regulator, is a candidate gene for aggressive behaviorFernàndez Castillo, Noèlia; Gan, Gabriela; van Donkelaar, Marjolein M.J.; Vaht, Mariliis; Weber, Heike; Retz, Wolfgang; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Franke, Barbara; Harro, Jaanus; Reif, Andreas; Faraone, Stephen V.; Cormand Rifà, Bru
Feb-2013Association study of 37 genes related to serotonin and dopamine neurotransmission and neurotrrhopic factors in cocaine dependenceFernàndez Castillo, Noèlia; Roncero, Carlos; Grau López, Lara; Barral, Carmen; Prat, Gemma; Rodríguez-Cintas, Laia; Sánchez Mora, Cristina; Gratacòs i Mayora, Mònica; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Casas, Miquel; Ribasés Haro, Marta; Cormand Rifà, Bru
Jul-2009The Hemiplegic Migraine associated Y1245C mutation in CACNA1A results in a gain of channel function due to its effect on the voltage sensor and G-protein mediated inhibitionSerra, Selma Angèlica; Fernàndez Castillo, Noèlia; Macaya Ruiz, Alfons; Cormand Rifà, Bru; Valverde, Miguel Ángel; Fernández-Fernández, José Manuel
19-Feb-2024Pleiotropic contribution of rbfox1 to psychiatric and neurodevelopmental phenotypes in two zebrafish modelsAntón Galindo, Ester; Adel, Maja R.; García-González, Judit; Leggieri, Adele; López-Blanch, Laura; Irimia Martínez, Manuel; Norton, William H. J.; Brennan, Caroline H.; Fernàndez Castillo, Noèlia; Cormand Rifà, Bru
8-Oct-2024CAPTVRED: an automated pipeline for viral tracking and discovery from capture-based metagenomics samplesTarradas-Alemany, Maria; Martínez-Puchol, Sandra; Mejías-Molina, Cristina; Itarte, Marta; Rusiñol Arantegui, Marta; Bofill Mas, Silvia; Abril Ferrando, Josep Francesc, 1970-
6-Jan-2025Human enteroviruses and the long road to acute flacid paralysis eradicationBosch, Albert; Carcereny, Albert; García‑Pedemonte, David; Fuentes Pardo, Cristina; Costafreda Salvany, M. Isabel (Maria Isabel); Pintó Solé, Rosa María; Guix Arnau, Susana
Feb-2012Candidate pathway association study in cocaine dependence: the control of neurotransmitter releaseFernàndez Castillo, Noèlia; Cormand Rifà, Bru; Roncero, Carlos; Sánchez Mora, Cristina; Grau-Lopez, Lara; Gonzalvo, Begoña; Miquel, Laia; Corominas Castiñeira, Roser; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Casas, Miquel; Ribasés Haro, Marta
Feb-2010Multi-center analysis of the SLC6A3/DAT1 VNTR haplotype in persistent ADHD suggests differential involvement of the gene in childhood and persistent ADHDFranke, Barbara; Arias Vasquez, Alejandro; Johansson, Stefan; Hoogman, Martine; Romanos, Jasmin; Boreatti-Hümmer, Andrea; Heine, Monika; Jacob, Christian P.; Lesch, Klaus-Peter; Casas, Miquel; Ribasés Haro, Marta; Bosch, Rosa; Sánchez Mora, Cristina; Gómez-Barros, Núria; Fernàndez Castillo, Noèlia; Bayés, Mònica; Halmøy, Anne; Halleland, Helene; Landaas, Elisabeth T.; Fasmer, Ole B.; Knappskog, Per M.; Heister, Angelien J.G.A.M.; Kiemeney, Lambertus A.; Kooij, J.J. Sandra; Boonstra, A. Marije; Kan, Cees C.; Asherson, Philip; Faraone, Stephen V.; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Haavik, Jan; Cormand Rifà, Bru; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Reif, Andreas
Dec-2010Association study between the DAT1, DBH and DRD2 genes and cocaine dependence in a Spanish sampleFernàndez Castillo, Noèlia; Ribasés Haro, Marta; Roncero, Carlos; Casas, Miquel; Gonzalvo, Begoña; Cormand Rifà, Bru
Feb-2012Active and passive MDMA ('ecstasy') intake induces differential transcriptional changes in the mouse brainFernàndez Castillo, Noèlia; Orejarena, M. J.; Ribasés Haro, Marta; Blanco, E.; Casas, Miquel; Robledo, P.; Maldonado, Rafael, 1961-; Cormand Rifà, Bru
16-Aug-2024Long non-coding RNAs involved in Drosophila development and regenerationCamilleri Robles, Carlos; Amador, Raziel; Tiebe, Marcel; Teleman, Aurelio A.; Serras Rigalt, Florenci; Guigó Serra, Roderic; Corominas, Montserrat (Corominas Guiu)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1244