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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 895
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Jul-2023Expected geomagnetically induced currents in the Spanish islands power transmission grids.Torta, J.M.; Marsal Barril, Sara; Piña-Varas; Hafizi, R.; Martí i Castells, Anna; Campanyà, Joan; Canillas-Pérez, V.; Curto, Juan José; Ledo Fernández, Juanjo; Queralt i Capdevila, Pilar; Marcuello Pascual, Alejandro
26-Jul-2023Magnetotelluric applied to deep geothermal exploration:Canary IslandsPiña-Varas, Perla; Ledo Fernández, Juanjo; Queralt i Capdevila, Pilar; Marcuello Pascual, Alejandro; Mitjanas Colls, Gemma; Martínez Van Dorth, David
1-Jan-2023Fluid-rock interaction control on fault reactivation: A review of the Montmell-Vallès Fault System, central Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE Iberia)Marín, Miquel; Roca i Abella, Eduard; Baqués Almirall, Vinyet; Cantarero Abad, Irene; Cabrera, Lluís; Ferrer García, J. Oriol (José Oriol); Travé i Herrero, Anna
Nov-2021Late Holocene current patterns in the northern Patagonian fjords recorded by sediment drifts in Aysén FjordLastras Membrive, Galderic; Wils, Katleen; Wermersche, Marlies; Van Rooij, David; Lamy, Frank; Arz, Helge W.; Siani, Guiseppe; Bertrand, Sebastien; Van Daele, Maarten
1-Nov-2022Development and Emplacement of Ana Slide, Eivissa Channel, Western Mediterranean SeaLastras Membrive, Galderic; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Sager, Thore F.; Urlaub, Morelia; Kamisnki, Pauline; Papenberg, Cord; Berndt, Christian
13-Jan-2023The impact of online teaching on Geology degree programs during COVID-19: A case study from the University of Barcelona (Spain)Alías López, Gemma; Sendrós Brea-Iglesias, Alex; Aulinas Juncà, Meritxell; Bordonau i Ibern, Jaume; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Masana, Eulàlia; Martín, Juan Diego (Martín Martín)
22-Apr-2020Hydrogeochemical, isotopic and geophysical characterization of saline lake systems in semiarid regions: The Salada de Chiprana Lake, Northeastern SpainJódar, Jorge; Rubio Félix M.; Custodio, Emilio; Martos Rosillo, Sergio; Pey Betrán, Jorge; Herrera, Christian; Turu, Valentí; Pérez Bielsa, Cristina; Ibarra Torre, Pedro; Lambán Jiménez, Luis Javier
4-Oct-2023The Kinematics of a salt sheet recorded in an array of discorted intrasalt stringers (Les Avellanes Diapir - Sputh-Central Pyrenees)Cantarero Abad, Irene; Cofrade, Gabriel; Gratacós Torrà, Òscar; Ferrer García, J. Oriol (José Oriol); Ramirez-Perez, Pedro; Roca i Abella, Eduard; Travé i Herrero, Anna
28-Jun-2023Seasonal variation in plastic litter pollution in mangroves from two remote tropical estuaries of the Colombian PacificGarcés Ordóñez, Ostin; Castillo Olaya, Victoria; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Espinosa Díaz, Luisa
15-May-2023The Early Cretaceous coastal lake Konservat-Lagerstätte of La Pedrera de Meià (Southern Pyrenees)Gil-Delgado, Alejandro; Delclòs Martínez, Xavier; Sellés, Albert; Galobart, Àngel; Oms, Oriol
13-Jun-2023Damselflies (Coenagrionidae) have been avoiding leaf veins during oviposition for at least 52 million yearsRomero-Lebrón, Eugenia; Fernández-Monescillo, Marcos; Matushkina, Natalia; Delclòs Martínez, Xavier; Gleiser, Raquel M.
17-Apr-2023Symbiosis between Cretaceous dinosaurs and feather-feeding beetlesPeñalver Mollá, Enrique; Peris Cerdán, David; Álvarez-Parra, Sergio; Grimaldi, David A.; Arillo, Antonio; Chiappe, Luis; Delclòs Martínez, Xavier; Alcalá Martínez, Luis; Sanz, José Luis; Solórzano-Kraemer, Mónica M.; Pérez de la Fuente, Ricardo
30-Jun-2023Amber and the Cretaceous Resinous IntervalDelclòs Martínez, Xavier; Peñalver Mollá, Enrique; Barrón, Eduardo; Peris Cerdán, David; Grimaldi, David A.; Holz, Michael; Labandeira, Conrad C.; Saupe, Erin E.; Scotese, Christopher R.; Solórzano-Kraemer, Mónica M.; Álvarez-Parra, Sergio; Arillo, Antonio; Azar, Dany; Cadena, Edwin A.; Dal Corso, Jacopo; Kvaček, Jiří; Pérez de la Fuente, Ricardo; Monleón-Getino, Antonio; Nel, André; Peyrot, Daniel; Bueno-Cebollada, Carlos A.; Gallardo, Alejandro; González-Fernández, Beatriz; Goula, Marta; Jaramillo, Carlos; Kania-Kłosok, Iwona; Viejo, José Luis; López del Valle, Rafael; Lozano, Rafael P.; Meléndez, Nieves; Menor-Salván, César; Peña-Kairath, Constaza; Perrichot, Vincent; Rodrigo, Ana; Sánchez García, Alba; Santer, Maxime; Sarto i Monteys, Víctor
28-Jun-2023The Northern Calcareous Alps revisited: Formation of a hyperextended margin and mantle exhumation in the Northern Calcareous Alps sector of the Neo-Tethys (Eastern Alps, Austria)Strauss, Philipp; Granado, Pablo; Muñoz, J. A; Böhm, Katharina; Schuster, Ralf
7-Feb-2023Inversion of transfer zones in salt-bearing extensional systems: insights from analogue modelingWilson, Elizabeth Parker; Granado, Pablo; Santolaria, Pablo; Ferrer García, J. Oriol (José Oriol); Muñoz, J. A.
1-Jan-2013Uppermost mantle seismic velocity and anisotropy in the Euro-Mediterranean region from Pn and Sn tomographyDíaz Cusí, Jordi; Gil de la Iglesia, Alba; Gallart i Muset, Josep
26-Apr-2023Water discharge variations control fluvial stratigraphic architecture in the Middle Eocene Escanilla formation, SpainSharma, Nikhil; Whittaker, Alexander C.; Watkins, Stephen; Valero Montesa, Luis; Verité, Jean; Puigdefàbregas, Cai; Adatte, Thierry; Garcés Crespo, Miguel; Guillocheau, François; Castelltort, Sébastien
24-May-2023Macroevolutionary and macroecological response of Iberian rodents to late Neogene climatic oscillations and eventsvan Dam, Jan A.; Mein, Pierre; Garcés Crespo, Miguel; van Balen, Ronald T.; Furió Bruno, Marc; Alcalá Martínez, Luis
8-Mar-2023Fluvio-deltaic record of increased sediment transport during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO), Southern Pyrenees, SpainPeris Cabré, Sabí; Valero Montesa, Luis; Spangenberg, Jorge E.; Vinyoles i Busquets, Andreu; Verité, Jean; Adatte, Thierry; Tremblin, Maxime; Watkins, Stephen; Sharma, Nikhil; Garcés Crespo, Miguel; Puigdefàbregas, Cai; Castelltort, Sébastien
20-Jun-2023Dinámica de los sistemas dunares costeros ante el Cambio Global: La necesidad de una gestión sostenibleHernández Hernández, Armand; Gonzalez-Villanueva, Rita; Carballeira, Rafael; Bao Casal, Roberto; Sáez, Alberto
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 895