Articles publicats en revistes (Dinàmica de la Terra i l'Oceà) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 896
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Aug-2024Global warming triggers abrupt regime shifts in island lake ecosystems in the Azores ArchipelagoPla Rabés, Sergi; Matias, Miguel G.; Gonçalves, Vítor; Vázquez-Loureiro, David; Marques, Helena; Bao, Roberto; Buchaca, Teresa; Hernández Hernández, Armand; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Sáez, Alberto; Simpson, Gavin L.; Nogué, Sandra; Raposeiro, Pedro Miguel
27-Feb-2023Trench-parallel ridge subduction controls upper-plate structure and shallow megathrust seismogenesis along the Jalisco-Colima margin, MexicoPrada Dacasa, Manuel; Bartolomé de la Peña, Rafael; Gras Andreu, Clàudia; Bandy, William L.; Dañobeitia, Juan José
1-Dec-2023Red de monitorización fotogramétrica para el seguimiento de procesos erosivos en el tajo de San Pedro (Granada)Guinau Sellés, Marta; Blanch Gorriz, Xabier; Abellán Fernández, Antonio; Azañón Hernández, Jose Miguel
2023La formació del professorat a Ciències de la Terra i el foment de la metodologia d’Aprenentatge-Servei (ApS)Playà i Pous, Elisabet; Guinau Sellés, Marta; Furdada i Bellavista, Glòria; Travé i Herrero, Anna; Cabello López, Patricia; Cantarero Abad, Irene; Palau, Jordi
30-Apr-2023Contaminación por vertidos de aguas residuales: Una revisión de las interacciones microorganismos-microplásticos y sus posibles riesgos ambientales en aguas costeras colombianasSáenz-Arias, Sol; Garcés Ordóñez, Ostin; Córdoba-Meza, Tania; Blandon, Lina; Espinosa Díaz, Luisa; Vivas-Aguas, Lizbeth-Janet; Canals Artigas, Miquel
19-Jun-2022Charophyte communities in Barremian Iberian wetlandsPérez Cano, Jordi; Bover-Arnal, Telm; Martín-Closas, Carles
1-May-2023Subrecent charophyte flora from Çemealti (Izmir Gulf, Western Turkey): Palaeoecological implicationsDemirci, Elvan; Sanjuan i Girbau, Josep; Nazik, Atike; Meriç, Engin; Yümün, Zeki Ünal
1-Feb-2022Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the late Miocene macroflora of La Bisbal d'Empordà (Catalonia, Spain). Comparison with small mammalsTosal Alcobé, Aixa; Coward, Sophie Roselyn; Casanovas i Vilar, Isaac; Martín-Closas, Carles
1-Jul-2024Assessing the impact of crustal architecture and along-strike rifting propagation on salt deposition and tectonics: Insights from the Moroccan Atlantic marginUranga Moran, Rodolfo Martín; Manatschal, Gianreto; Rowan, Mark G.; Muñoz, J. A.; Ferrer García, J. Oriol (José Oriol); Pichel, Leonardo M.; Zamora, Gonzalo
8-Dec-2023Gaia Focused Product Release: Sources from Service Interface Function image analysisSarrate Riera,C.; Weiler, Michael; Balaguer Núñez, María de los Dolores; Gaia Collaboration; Sanchez Gimenez, V.; Sáez, Alberto; Romero-Gómez, M.; Ramos, Pau; Monguió, M.; Molina Martinez, Daniel; Masip Vela, Albert; Marín Pina, Daniel; Jiménez Arranz, Óscar; Gregori Barrera, V.; Garcia-Gutierrez, A.; Figueras Siñol, Francesca; Carrasco, José Manuel (Carrasco Martínez); Bernet, Marcel; Bartolomé, Sergi; Antoja Castelltort, M. Teresa; Anders, F.; Portell i de Mora, Jordi; Masana Fresno, Eduard; Fabricius, Claus; Luri Carrascoso, Xavier; Jordi i Nebot, Carme; Torra, Ferran; Castañeda Pons, Javier Bernardo
16-Sep-2022Plant taphonomy and palaeoecology of Pennsylvanian wetlands from the Erillcastell Basin of the eastern Pyrenees, Catalonia, SpainTosal Alcobé, Aixa; Pàmies, Joaquim; Martín-Closas, Carles
7-May-2024Deformation, evolution and controls of halokinetic megaflaps driven by vertically-stacked and laterally-shifting depocenters Ferrer García, J. Oriol (José Oriol); Roca i Abella, Eduard; Rowan, Mark G.; Muñoz, J. A.; Giles, Katherine A.; Gratacós Torrà, Òscar
1-Jul-2024Salt-pillow formation during inversion of evaporite-filled half graben – Insights from seismic data interpretation and integrated analogue-numerical modellingKrzywiec, P.; Adamuszek, M.; Filbà, Laura; Rowan, Mark G.; Ferrer García, J. Oriol (José Oriol)
15-Nov-2020On the termination of deep-sea fan channels: Examples from the Rhone Fan (Gulf of Lion, Western Mediterranean Sea)Droz, L.; Jegou, I; Gillet, H.; Dennielou, B.; Bez, M.; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Amblàs i Novellas, David; Lastras Membrive, Galderic; Rabineau, Marina
1-Apr-2022Particle fluxes in submarine canyons along a sediment-starved continental margin and in the adjacent open slope and basin in the SW Mediterranean SeaTarrés, Marta; Cerdà i Domènech, Marc; Pedrosa Pàmies, Rut; Rumín Caparrós, Aitor; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna
12-Jul-2023Inversion of accommodation zones in salt-bearing extensional systems: insights from analog modelingWilson, Elizabeth Parker; Granado, Pablo; Santolaria, Pablo; Ferrer García, J. Oriol (José Oriol); Muñoz, J. A.
1-Sep-2020Historical reconstruction of Small-scale gold mining activities in tropical wetland sediments in Bajo Cauca-Antioquia, ColombiaAgudelo-Echavarría, Diana María; Olid Garcia, Carolina; Molina-Perez, Francisco; Vallejo-Toro, Pedro Pablo; Garcia-Orellana, Jordi
1-Mar-2021The Role of Methane Transport From the Active Layer in Sustaining Methane Emissions and Food Chains in Subarctic PondsOlid Garcia, Carolina; Zannella, A.; Lau, D.C.P.
1-Jul-2019The Effect of Stream Discharge on Hyporheic ExchangeMojarrad, Brian Babak; Betterle, Andrea; Singh, Tanu; Olid Garcia, Carolina; Worman, Anders
1-Jun-2022Groundwater discharge as a driver of methane emissions from Arctic lakesOlid Garcia, Carolina; Rodellas, Valentí; Rocher-Ros, Gerard; Garcia-Orellana, Jordi; Diego Feliu, Marc; Alorda-Kleinglass, Aaron; Bastviken, David; Karlsson, Jan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 896