Articles publicats en revistes (Ciència dels Materials i Química Física) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 1213
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Jan-2023Continuous H2O2 production sustained by anodic O2 for the destruction of the antibiotic ampicillin by photoelectro-Fenton process in a rotating cylinder electrode reactorCornejo, Oscar M.; Sirés Sadornil, Ignacio; Nava, José L.
23-Nov-2022Sustainable asphalt mixtures by partial replacement of fine aggregates with low-grade magnesium carbonate by-productLópez-Montero, Teresa; Mañosa Bover, Jofre; Miró, Rodrigo; Chimenos Ribera, Josep Ma.
14-Dec-2022Solar photoelectro-Fenton-like process with anodically-generated HClO in a flow reactor: Norfloxacin as a pollutant with a particular structureMurrieta, Maria F.; Brillas, Enric; Nava, José L.; Sirés Sadornil, Ignacio
2-Dec-2022Ultra-uniform MIL-88B(Fe)/Fe3S4 hybrids engineered by partial sulfidation to boost catalysis in electro-Fenton treatment of micropollutants: Experimental and mechanistic insightsYe, Zhihong; Zhang, Wenfeng; Lanzalaco, Sonia; Zhao, Lele; Sirés Sadornil, Ignacio; Xia, Pan; Zhai, Jun; He, Qiang
3-Dec-2022Structural and Electronic Properties of Metal/Oxide Nanostructures from First-Principles: Ru13 Supported on (TiO2)84 as a Case StudyAllès, Miquel; Remesal, Elena R.; Illas i Riera, Francesc; Morales García, Ángel
13-Dec-2022Fluidised-bed incineration bottom ash as the sole precursor of alkali-activated binders: A comparison with bottom ash from grate incineratorsMaldonado Alameda, Alex; Mañosa Bover, Jofre; Miro-Escola, J.; Quintero-Payan, Alex C.; Chimenos Ribera, Josep Ma.
12-Aug-2021Quantum Dynamics of Nonadiabatic Renner-Teller Effects in Atom plus Diatom CollisionsGamallo Belmonte, Pablo; González Pérez, Miguel; Petrongolo, Carlo
4-Feb-2023A critical review on latest innovations and future challenges of electrochemical technology for the abatement of organics in waterMartínez Huitle, Carlos A.; Rodrigo, Manuel A.; Sirés Sadornil, Ignacio; Scialdone, Onofrio
23-Jan-2021Alkali-activated binders based on the coarse fraction of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ashMaldonado Alameda, Alex; Giró Paloma, Jessica; Mañosa Bover, Jofre; Formosa Mitjans, Joan; Chimenos Ribera, Josep Ma.
23-Aug-2022Metal-support interaction and charge distribution in ceria-supported Au particles exposed to COBezkrovnyi, O.; Bruix Fusté, Albert; Blaumeiser, D.; Piliai, L.; Schötz, S.; Bauer, T.; Khalakhan, I.; Skála, T.; Matvija, P.; Kraszkiewicz, P.; Pawlyta, M.; Vorokhta, M.; Matolínová, I.; Libuda, J.; Neyman, Konstantin M.; Kępiński, L.
1-Sep-2022Design of a Multi-Tubular Catalytic Reactor Assisted by CFD Based on Free-Convection Heat-Management for Decentralised Synthetic Methane ProductionAlarcón Avellán, Andreina; Busqué, Raquel; Andreu Arbella, Teresa; Guilera Sala, Jordi
2-Feb-2023Crystal properties without crystallinity? Influence of surface hydroxylation on the structure and properties of small TiO2 nanoparticlesRecio, Miguel; Morales Garcia, Angel; Illas i Riera, Francesc; Bromley, Stefan Thomas
11-Feb-2020Assessing the viability of silicate nanoclusters as carriers of the anomalous microwave emission: a quantum mechanical studyMacià Escatllar, Antoni; Bromley, Stefan Thomas
17-Feb-2023Effect of intrinsic point defects on the catalytic and electronic properties of Cu2WS4 single layer: Ab initio calculationsOuahrani, Taril; Boufatah, Reda M.; Benaissa, Mohammed; Morales Garcia, Angel; Badawi, Michael; Errandonea, Daniel
26-Jun-2022Superhydrophobic PDMS coated 304 stainless-steel mesh for the removal of HDPE microplasticsRius Ayra, Oriol; Tahchieva, Alisiya Biserova; Sansa-López, V.; Llorca i Isern, Núria
1-Dec-2021Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Molecular Hydrogen Adsorption and Dissociation on MXenes: Relevance to Heterogeneously Catalyzed Hydrogenation ReactionsLópez, Martí; Morales García, Ángel; Viñes Solana, Francesc; Illas i Riera, Francesc
19-Sep-2022Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Fe60−xCo25Ni15Six Alloy Elaborated by High-Energy Mechanical MillingKhitouni, Nawel; Hammami, Béchir; Llorca i Isern, Núria; Mbarek, Wael Ben; Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep; Khitouni, Mohamed
15-Oct-2022Lessons learned from corrosion of materials with molten salts during molten salt tank preheatingPrieto, Cristina; Ruiz Cabañas, Javier; Madina, Virginia; Fernández, A. Inés; Cabeza, Luisa F.
21-Feb-2023Enhanced activation of peroxymonosulfate for tetracycline degradation using CoNi‐based electrodeposited filmsGómez, Elvira; Fons, Arnau; Cestaro, Robeto; Serrà i Ramos, Albert
24-Feb-2023Additive Manufacturing Processes in Selected Corrosion Resistant Materials: A State of Knowledge ReviewBiserova Tahchieva, Alisiya; Biezma Moraleda, Maria V.; Llorca i Isern, Núria; Gonzalez Lavin, Judith; Linhardt, Paul
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 1213