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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2020Mechanism of biomolecular recognition of trimethyllysine by the fluorinated aromatic cage of KDM5A PHD3 fingerPieters, Bas J. G. E.; Wuts, Maud H. M.; Poater i Teixidor, Jordi; Kumar, Kiran; White, Paul B.; Kamps, Jos J. A. G.; Sherman, Woody; Pruijn, Ger J. M.; Paton, Robert S.; Beumimg, Thijs; Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias; Mecinović, Jasmin
26-Jun-2020Probing the Kinetic and Thermodynamic Fingerprints of Anti-EGF Nanobodies by Surface Plasmon ResonanceGuardiola Bagán, Salvador; Varese, Monica; Taulés i Marín, Marta; Díaz Lobo, Mireia; García Arroyo, Jesús; Giralt Lledó, Ernest
3-Feb-2015Molecular self-recognition: a chiral [Mn(II)6] wheel via donor acceptor p i-pi contacts and H-bondsBarrios Moreno, Leoní Alejandra; Salinas Uber, Jorge; Roubeau, Olivier; Teat, Simon J.; Aromí Bedmar, Guillem
2011Identification of Ligands for the Tau Exon 10 Splicing Regulatory Element RNA Using Dynamic Combinatorial ChemistryLópez-Senín, Paula; Gómez-Pinto, Irene; Grandas Sagarra, Anna; Marchán Sancho, Vicente
2-May-2013Combined use of NMR and computational tools for fragment based drug discovery targeting protein-protein interactions VEGF protein surface recognition as a case studyGoldflam, Michael
Jan-2014Reconeixement molecular d’aminoàcids emprant macrocicles pseudopeptídicsAlcalá Miranda, Mari Carmen
1-Mar-2013Sistemes basats en sals d’imidazoli: Plataforma pel desenvolupament de compostos d’interès químic i farmacèuticIbáñez Jiménez, Anna
11-Jan-1996Interacción funcional entre las proteínas implicadas en el reconocimiento molecular de adenosinaCiruela Alférez, Francisco
29-Mar-2004Disseny, síntesi i estudi de lligands peptídics capaços de reconèixer la superfície de la P53Martinell Pedemonte, Marc
Jun-2014Supramolecular structures with luminescent properties. Molecular recognition studies.Gallén Ortiz, Albert