Browsing by Author Bech, Joan

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Showing results 18 to 37 of 62 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Apr-2012Effects of anomalous propagation conditions on weather radar observationsBech, Joan; Magaldi, Adolfo; Codina, Bernat; Lorente, Jeroni
27-Jul-2006Enhanced radar precipitation estimates using a combined clutter and beam blockage correction techniqueFornasiero, A.; Bech, Joan; Alberoni, P. P.
14-Nov-2008Estimació quantitativa de precipitació amb radar: estudi del producte SRIBordoy Molina, Roger
Jan-2017Estudi dels paràmetres derivats dels sondatges associats a tempestes tornàdiquesRodríguez Ballester, Oriol
2011Evidence for the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the total ozone column at northern low latitudes and midlatitudes during winter and summer seasons.Ossó Castillón, Albert; Sola Salvatierra, Yolanda; Bech, Joan; Lorente, Jeroni
5-Jun-2017Extreme point rainfall temporal scaling: a long term (1805-2014) regional and seasonal analysis in SpainGonzalez, Sergi; Bech, Joan
2015How robust are trends in the Brewer-Dobson circulation derived from observed stratospheric temperatures?Ossó Castillón, Albert; Sola Salvatierra, Yolanda; Rosenlof, Karen; Hassler, Birgit; Bech, Joan; Lorente, Jeroni
Jun-2023Hydrometeor classification based on disdrometric spectral dataLladó Duran, Marc
20-Dec-2013Implementació i verificació d'un model de radiació solar a CatalunyaLlabrés Brustenga, Alba
2010Improving QPF by blending techniques at the meteorological service of CataloniaAtencia, Aitor; Rigo, Tomeu; Sairouni, A.; Moré, J.; Bech, Joan; Vilaclara, Eliseu; Cunillera, J.; Llasat Botija, María del Carmen; Garrote, Luis
14-Jan-2016Inter-comparison and potential synergies of three methods for weather radar antenna pointing assessmentAltube Vázquez, Patricia; Bech, Joan; Rigo, Tomeu; Argemí Ribera, Oriol; Pineda, Nicolau
Jan-2014Lightning stroke clustering into cloud-to-ground lightning flashesDalmasso Blanch, Eloi
8-Jul-2014Masa de agua precipitable, índices de inestabilidad e isocero en el Mediterráneo Occidental durante el Periodo de Observación Especial HyMeX-SOP1 (otoño de 2012)Campo Onandia, Ibai
Nov-2013Mesoscale numerical analysis of the historical November 1982 heavy precipitation event over Andorra (Eastern Pyrenees)Trapero i Bagué, Laura; Bech, Joan; Duffourg, F.; Esteban Vea, Pere; Lorente, Jeroni
3-Dec-2014Modelització de precipitacions intenses en zones d'orografia complexa: casos d'estudi al Pirineu OrientalTrapero i Bagué, Laura
8-Jun-2007Modelling of weather radar echoes from anomalous propagation using a hybrid parabolic equation method and NWP model dataBebbington, D.; Rae, S.; Bech, Joan; Codina, Bernat; Picanyol, M.
1997Modelling raindrop size distribution and Z(R) relations in the Western Mediterranean areaCerro, Carlos; Codina, Bernat; Bech, Joan; Lorente, Jeroni
1-Feb-2023Monitoring storm evolution using a high-density seismic networkDiaz, J.; Ruiz, M.; Udina Sistach, Mireia; Polls, F.; Martí D.; Bech, Joan
2022Multiple Characteristics of Precipitation Inferred from Wind Profiler Radar Doppler SpectraGarcia Benadi, Albert; Bech, Joan; Udina Sistach, Mireia; Campistron, Bernard; Paci, Alexandre
2006Observacions amb radar meteorològic en condicions de bloqueig topogràficBech, Joan; Codina, Bernat; Lorente, Jeroni