Browsing by Author Gascón, Pere

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Jul-2011A dual role for KRT81: a miR-SNP associated with recurrence in non-small-cell lung cancer and a novel marker of squamous cell lung carcinomaCampayo Guillaumes, Marc; Navarro Ponz, Alfons; Viñolas Segarra, Núria; Tejero Villalba, Rut; Muñoz García, Carmen; Díaz Sánchez, Tania; Marrades Sicart, Ramon Ma.; Cabanas, Maria L.; Gimferrer Garolera, José Ma.; Gascón, Pere; Ramírez Ruz, J. (José); Monzó Planella, Mariano
15-Feb-2016Anticipatory nausea, risk factors and its impacto n chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting. Results from the Pan European Emesis Registry Study.Molassiotis, Alexander; Lee, Paul H.; Burke, Thomas A.; Dicato, Mario; Gascón, Pere; Roila, Fausto; Aapro, Matti
25-Apr-2015Biological and Pharmacological aspects of the NK1-Receptor.Garcia Recio, Susana; Gascón, Pere
2-Dec-2014Biomarcadores en cancer colorrectal: Metaloproteinasa 7 en pacientes intervenidos y mutaciones tras progresión a terapias anti-EGFR en enfermedad metastásicaMartínez Fernández, Alejandro
12-Mar-2020Breast mammographic Density: stromal implications on breast cancer detection and therapyFernández-Nogueira, Patricia; Mancino, Mario; Fuster Orellana, Gemma; Bragado, Paloma; Prats de Puig, Miquel; Gascón, Pere; Casado, Javier (Casado Merediz); Carbó Carbó, Neus
23-Jun-2021Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in breast cancer treatment response and metastasis.Fernàndez Nogueira, Patricia; Fuster Orellana, Gemma; Gutierrez-Uzquiza, Álvaro; Gascón, Pere; Carbó Carbó, Neus; Bragado, Paloma
1-Nov-2011Characterization of human pancreatic orthotopic tumor xenografts suitable for drug screeningPérez Torras, Sandra; Vidal Pla, Anna; Miquel Morera, Rosa; Almendro Navarro, Vanessa; Fernández-Cruz, Laureano; Navarro Colás, Salvador; Maurel Santasusana, Joan; Carbó Carbó, Neus; Gascón, Pere; Mazo Sánchez, Adela
21-May-2015Comparison of methods for the isolation of human breast epithelial and myoepithelial cells.Zubeldia Plazaola, Arantzazu; Ametller, Elisabet; Mancino, Mario; Prats de Puig, Miquel; López Plana, Anna; Guzman, Flavia; Vinyals, Laia; Pastor Arroyo, Eva M.; Almendro Navarro, Vanessa; Fuster Orellana, Gemma; Gascón, Pere
17-Oct-2012Cooperación oncogénica entre la citoquina pro-inflamatoria SP y el receptor tirosina quinasa ErbB-2/HER2Garcia Recio, Susana
10-Dec-2015Differential expression of neurogenes among breast cancer subtypes identifies high risk patients.Fernandez-Nogueira, Patricia; Bragado, Paloma; Almendro Navarro, Vanessa; Ametller, Elisabet; Ríos, José; Choudhury, Sibgat; Mancino, Mario; Gascón, Pere
1-Dec-2024ENDOLUNG trial. A phase 1/2 study of the Akt/mTOR inhibitor and autophagy inducer Ibrilatazar (ABTL0812) in combination with paclitaxel/carboplatin in patients with advanced/recurrent endometrial cancerPérez-Fidalgo, Alejandro; Leary, Alexandra; Estévez-García, Purificación; Sabatier, Renaud; Ray-Coquard, Isabelle; Romeo, Margarita; Barretina Ginesta, Maria Pilar; Gil Martin, Marta; Garralda, Elena; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim; Moran, Teresa; Martin-Martorell, Paloma; Nadal, Ernest; Gascón, Pere; Rodon, Jordi; Lizcano, José Miguel; Muñoz Guardiola, Pau; Fierro-Durán, Gemma; Pedrós-Gámez, Oriol; Pérez-Montoyo, Hector; Yeste Velasco, Marc; Cortal, Marc; Pérez-Campos, Antonio; Alfón, José; Domènech, Carles; Oaknin, Ana
21-Mar-2014Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition mediates docetaxel resistance and high risk of relapse in prostate cancerMarín Aguilera, Mercedes; Codony Servat, Jordi; Reig Torras, Oscar; Lozano Salvatella, Juan José; Fernández, Pedro Luis; Pereira, María Verónica; Jimenez, Natalia; Donovan, Michael J.; Puig, Pere; Mengual Brichs, Lourdes; Bermudo, Raquel; Font Pous, Albert; Gallardo, Enrique; Ribal, María José; Alcaraz Asensio, Antonio; Gascón, Pere; Mellado González, Begoña
7-Feb-2018Epoetin Biosimilars in the Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia: 10 Years' Experience Gained.Aapro, Matti; Krendykov, Andriy; Schiestl, Martin; Gascón, Pere
9-Jan-2019Erythropoiesis-Stimulating agents in the management of anemia in chronic kidney disease or cancer: a historical perspestive.Aapro, Matti; Gascón, Pere; Patel, Kashyap B.; Rodgers, George M.; Fung, Selwyn; Arantes Jr. , Luiz H.; Wish, Jay
4-Feb-2016Fibroblast role in the acquisition and maintenance of breast cancer resistance to anti-HER2 therapies. Identification of novel compensatory tyrosine kinase receptorsFernández Nogueira, Patricia
4-Jul-2018Glucocorticoids promote transition of ductal carcinoma in situ to invasive ductal carcinoma by inducing myoepithelial cell apoptosisZubeldia Plazaola, Arantzazu; Recalde Percaz, Leire; Moragas, Núria; Alcaraz, Mireia; Chen, Xieng; Mancino, Mario; Fernández Nogueira, Patricia; Prats de Puig, Miquel; Guzman, Flavia; Noguera Castells, Aleix; López Plana, Anna; Enreig, Estel; Carbó Carbó, Neus; Almendro Navarro, Vanessa; Gascón, Pere; Bragado, Paloma; Fuster Orellana, Gemma
30-Jun-2016Heterotypic paracrine signaling drives fibroblast senescence and tumor progression of large cell carcinoma of the lungLugo, Roberto; Gabasa Ferràndez, Marta; Andriani, Francesca; Puig, Marta; Facchinetti, Federica; Ramírez Ruz, J. (José); Gómez Caro, Abel; Pastorino, Ugo; Fuster Orellana, Gemma; Almendros López, Isaac; Gascón, Pere; Dávalos, Albert; Reguart, Noemí; Roz, Luca; Alcaraz Casademunt, Jordi
28-Jun-2018Histamine receptor 1 inhibition enhances antitumor therapeutic responses through extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation in breast cancerFernández-Nogueira, Patricia; Noguera Castells, Aleix; Fuster Orellana, Gemma; Recalde Percaz, Leire; Moragas, Núria; López Plana, Anna; Enreig, Estel; Jauregui, Patricia; Carbó Carbó, Neus; Almendro Navarro, Vanessa; Gascón, Pere; Bragado Domingo, Paloma; Mancino, Mario
15-Sep-2015Hypoxia drives breast malignancy through a TET -TNFα-p38-MAPK signaling axis.Wu, Min-Zu; Chen, Su-Feng; Nieh, Shin; Benner, Christopher; Ger, Luo-Ping; Jan, Chia-Ing; Ma, Li; Chen, Chien-Hung; Hishida, Tomoaki; Chang, Hong-Tai; Lin, Yaoh-Shiang; Montserrat Pulido, Núria; Gascón, Pere; Sancho-Martinez, Ignacio; Izpisúa Belmonte, Juan Carlos
23-Jan-2014Inference of Tumor Evolution during Chemotherapy by Computational Modeling and In Situ Analysis of Genetic and Phenotypic Cellular Diversity.Almendro Navarro, Vanessa; Cheng, Yu-Kan; Randles, Amanda; Itzkovitz, Shalev; Marusyk, Andriy; Ametller, Elisabet; Gonzalez-Farre, Xavier; Muñoz Mateu, Montserrat; Russnes, Hage G.; Helland, Åslaug; Rye, Inga H.; Borresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Maruyama, Reo; Oudenaarden, Alexander van; Dowsett, Mitchell; Jones, Robin L.; Reis-Filho, Jorge; Gascón, Pere; Gönen, Mithat; Michor, Franziska; Polyak, Kornelia