Browsing by Author Núñez Burcio, Oscar

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Showing results 25 to 44 of 158 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Jul-2024Caracterització i autenticació de productes nutracèutics i aliments funcionals per mètodes cromatogràfics i índexs espectroscòpics amb tractament quimiomètric de les dadesVidal Casanella, Òscar
22-Sep-2004Caracterización y determinación de sales de amonio cuaternario por técnicas cromatográficas, electroforéticas y espectrometría de masasNúñez Burcio, Oscar
25-Mar-2015Characterisation and determination of fullerenes: a critical reviewAstefanei, Alina; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Galcerán Huguet, M. Teresa
2022Characterization and Classification of Spanish Honey by Non-targeted LC-HRMS (Orbitrap) Fingerprinting and Multivariate Chemometric MethodsGarcía Seval, Victor; Saurina, Javier; Sentellas, Sonia; Núñez Burcio, Oscar
Feb-2023Characterization and classification of Spanish honeydew and blossom honeys based on their antioxidant capacityFernández-Estellé, Mónica; Hernández-González, Víctor; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Sentellas, Sonia
27-Jun-2018Characterization and classification of Spanish paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) by liquid chromatography coupled to electrochemical detection with screen-printed carbon-based nanomaterials electrodesSerrano i Plana, Núria; Cetó Alseda, Xavier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Aragó, Miriam; Gámez, Alejandro; Ariño Blasco, Cristina; Díaz Cruz, José Manuel
4-Jul-2015Characterization of aggregates of surface modified fullerenes by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation with multi-angle light scattering detectionAstefanei, Alina; Kok, Wim Th.; Bäuerlein, Patrick; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Galcerán Huguet, M. Teresa; De Voogt, Pim; Schoenmakers, P.J.
16-Jan-2014Characterization of fruit products by capillary zone electrophoresis and liquid chromatography using the compositional profiles of polyphenols. Application to authentication of natural extractsNavarro Reig, Meritxell; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Saurina, Javier; Hernández Cassou, Santiago; Puignou i Garcia, Lluís
17-Apr-2020Characterization of turmeric and curry samples by liquid chromatography with spectroscopic detection based on polyphenolic and curcuminoid contentsNúñez Burcio, Oscar; Saurina, Javier; Puignou i Garcia, Lluís
15-Apr-2017Characterization, classification and authentication of fruit-based extracts by means of HPLC-UV chromatographic fingerprints, polyphenolic profiles and chemometric methodsPardo-Mates, Naiara; Vera, Alex; Barbosa, Sergio; Hidalgo-Serrano, Míriam; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Saurina, Javier; Hernández Cassou, Santiago; Puignou i Garcia, Lluís
2022Characterization, Classification and Authentication of Spanish Blossom and Honeydew Honeys by non-targeted HPLC-UV and off-line SPE HPLC-UV Polyphenolic Fingerprinting Strategies.García-Seval, Víctor; Martínez Alfaro, Clàudia; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Sentellas, Sonia
1-Apr-2020Characterization, classification and authentication of turmeric and curry samples by targeted LC-HRMS polyphenolic and curcuminoid profiling and chemometricsNúñez, Nerea; Vidal-Casanella, Oscar; Sentellas, Sonia; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar
2022Chemical characterization and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential of fruits of Eugenia candolleana DCSoares, Karla L.; Núñez, Nerea; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Bogusz Junior, Stanislau; Fronza, Marcio; Scherer, Rodrigo
Jan-2022Classification and Authentication of Honey by Chromatographic Profiles and Chemometric MethodsMartínez Alfaro, Clàudia
13-Apr-2020Classification and authentication of paprika by UHPLC-HRMS fingerprinting and multivariate calibration methods (PCA and PLS-DA)Barbosa, Sergio; Saurina, Javier; Puignou i Garcia, Lluís; Núñez Burcio, Oscar
29-Jul-2019Classification of Hen Eggs by HPLC-UV Fingerprinting and Chemometric MethodsCampmajó Galván, Guillem; Cayero, Laura; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar
24-Oct-2012Current Trends in Sample Treatment Techniques for Environmental and Food AnalysisLucci, Paolo; Pacetti, Deborah; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Frega, Natale G.
9-Mar-2021Cyanobacteria and their secondary metabolites in three freshwater reservoirs in the United KingdomFilatova, Daria; Jones, Martin R.; Haley, John A.; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Farré, Marinella; Janssen, Elisabeth M. L.
16-Dec-2020Desarrollo de metodologías analíticas para la caracterización y autenticación de fármacos y alimentos derivados de productos naturales de origen vegetal y ricos en polifenolesBarbosa Barbero, Sergio
14-Jul-2015Desorption electrospray ionization-high resolution mass spectrometry for the screening of veterinary drugs in cross contaminated feddstuffsSeró Llor, Raquel; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Bosch i Genover, Jaume; Grases, Josep M.; Rodríguez, Pilar; Moyano Morcillo, Encarnación; Galcerán Huguet, M. Teresa