Browsing by Author Plana Prades, Montserrat

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Differential microRNA expression profile between stimulated PBMCs from HIV-1 infected elite controllers and viremic progressorsEgaña Gorroño, Lander; Escribà, Tuixent; Boulanger, Nicolas; Crespo Guardo, Alberto; León García, Agathe; Bargalló, Manel Enric; García, Felipe; Gatell, José M.; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Arnedo, Mireia
26-Apr-2010Effect of TNF-a genetic variants and CCR5 Delta 32 on the vulnerability to HIV-1 infection and disease progression in Caucasian SpaniardsVeloso, Sergi; Olona, Montserrat; García Alcaide, Felipe; Domingo, Pere (Domingo Pedrol); Alonso-Villaverde, Carlos; Broch, Montserrat; Peraire, Joaquim; Vilades, Consuelo; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Pedrol, Enric; López Dupla, Miguel; Aguilar, Carmen; Gutierrez, Mar; Leon, Agathe; Tasias, Mariona; Gatell, José M.; Richart, Cristobal; Vidal, Francesc
25-Nov-2008Estudi de la resposta immune en pacients infectats pel VIH-1 sotmesos a teràpies immunomediadesLópez Plana, Anna
9-Jan-2007Estudio de la influencia de estímulos inmunológicos repetidos en forma de un calendario vacunal en pacientes adultos infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana en estadios tempranos de la infección (con tratamiento antirretroviral y tras su suspensión).Castro Rebollo, Pedro
7-Nov-2001Factores inmunitarios protectivos del huésped contra la infección por el VIH-1 y la progresión a SIDA: quimiocinas y sus receptores.Martínez Ibarra, Catalina
7-Nov-2012Generation and characterization of a defective HIV-1 Virus as an immunogen for a therapeutic vaccineÁlvarez Fernández, Carmen; Crespo Guardo, Alberto; García-Pérez, Javier; García Alcaide, Felipe; Blanco, Julià; Escribà-García, Laura; Gatell, José M.; Alcamí, José; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Sánchez-Palomino, Sonsoles
17-Jun-2019iHIVARNA phase IIa, a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of iHIVARNA-01 in chronically HIV-infected patients under stable combined antiretroviral therapyde Jong, Wesley; Aerts, Joeri; Gatell, José M.; Honrado, Ángel; Buyze, Jozefien; Florence, Eric; van Gorp, Eric; Van Meirvenne, Sonja; Leal, Lorna; Mothe, Beatriz; Thielemans, Kris; Heirman, Carlo; García Alcaide, Felipe; Gruters, Rob; Pannus, Pieter; Boers, Patrick; Arnaiz Gargallo, Juan Alberto; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Guardo, Alberto C.; Koopmans, Marion; Maleno, María José; Vanham, Guido; Lungu, Cynthia; Moltó, José; Salgado, Maria; Heyndrickx, Leo; Graupera, Anna; Scheuer, Rachel; Allard, Sabine; Tjok, Patrick; Brander, Christian; Martínez Picado, Francisco Javier; Olvera, Alex; Rosas Umbert, Miriam; Moron, Sara; Molto, Jose; López, Miriam
1-Mar-2021In the Era of mRNA Vaccines, Is There Any Hope for HIV Functional Cure?Esteban, Ignasi; Pastor Quiñones, Carmen; Usero, Lorena; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Garcia, Felipe; Leal, Lorna
12-May-2016MicroRNA Profile in CD8+T-Lymphocytes from HIV-Infected Individuals: Relationship with Antiviral Immune Response and Disease ProgressionEgaña Gorroño, Lander; Crespo Guardo, Alberto; Bargalló, Manel Enric; Planet, Evarist; Vilaplana, Elisenda; Escribà, Tuixent; Pérez, Iñaki; Gatell, José M.; García Alcaide, Felipe; Arnedo, Mireia; Plana Prades, Montserrat; HIV Controllers Consortium of the AIDS Spanish Network
31-Jul-2020Nanopartículas y Células Dendríticas: Estudio de nuevas estrategias en inmunoterapia frente al VIHBargalló, Manel Enric
3-Dec-2015PD-L1 Blockade Differentially Impacts Regulatory T Cells from HIV-Infected Individuals Depending on Plasma ViremiaPeligero, Cristina; Argilaguet, Jordi; Güerri Fernández, Roberto; Torres, Berta; Ligero, Carmen; Colomer, Pilar; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Knobel, Hernando; García Alcaide, Felipe; Meyerhans, Andreas
31-Aug-2012Plasma HIV Viral Rebound following Protocol-Indicated Cessation of ART Commenced in Primary and Chronic HIV InfectionHamlyn, Elizabeth; Ewings, Fiona M.; Porter, Kholoud; Cooper, David A.; Tambussi, Giuseppe; Schechter, Mauro; Pedersen, Court; Okulicz, Jason F.; McClure, Myra; Babiker, Abdel; Weber, Jonathan; Fidler, Sarah; Miró Meda, José M.; López-Diéguez, María; Manzardo, Christian; Arnaiz Gargallo, Juan Alberto; Pumarola Suñé, Tomàs; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Tuset Creus, Montserrat; Ligero, M. C.; García, M. T.; Gallart, Teresa; Gatell, José M.; INSIGHT SMART; SPARTAC Trial Investigators
3-Aug-2019Prevalence, clinical characteristics and outcome of severe primary HIV-1 infection: a prospective cohort studyNicolás, David; Suárez, Antonio; Ambrosioni, Juan; Manzardo, Christian; Ligero, Carmen; Costa, Josep; Fernández, Emma; Marcos, Ma. Angeles; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Mosquera, Maria Mar; Sánchez-Palomino, Sonsoles; Gatell, José M.; Miró Meda, José M.
29-Sep-2014Protease inhibitor monotherapy is associated with a higher level of monocyte activation, bacterial translocation and inflammationTorres, Berta; Guardo, Alberto C.; Leal, Lorna; León García, Agathe; Lucero, Constanza; Álvarez Martínez, Míriam; Martínez Yoldi, Miguel Julián; Vila Estapé, Jordi; Martínez Rebollar, María; González Cordón, Ana; Gatell, José M.; Plana Prades, Montserrat; García Alcaide, Felipe
24-Oct-2017Safety and vaccine-induced HIV-1 immune responses in healthy volunteers following a late MVA-B boost 4 years after the last immunizationCrespo Guardo, Alberto; Gómez, Carmen Elena; Díaz Brito, Vicens; Pich, Judit; Arnaiz Gargallo, Juan Alberto; Perdiguero, Beatriz; García Arriaza, Juan; GonzÁlez, Núria; Sorzano, Carlos O. S.; Jiménez, Laura; Jiménez, José Luis; Muñoz Fernández, María Ángeles; Gatell, José M.; Alcamí, José; Esteban, Mariano; López Bernaldo de Quirós, Juan Carlos; García Alcaide, Felipe; Plana Prades, Montserrat; RISVAC02boost study
17-Jul-2015Structured Treatment Interruptions and Low Doses of IL-2 in Patients with Primary HIV Infection. Inflammatory, Virological and Immunological OutcomesSued, Omar; Ambrosioni, Juan; Nicolás, David; Manzardo, Christian; Agüero Santangelo, Fernando; Claramonte, Xavier; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Tuset Creus, Montserrat; Pumarola Suñé, Tomàs; Gallart, Teresa; Gatell, José M.; Miró Meda, José M.
1-Jan-2019The frequency-following response (FFR) to speech stimuli: a normative dataset in healthy newbornsRibas-Prats, Teresa; Almeida Toledano, Laura; Costa Faidella, Jordi; Plana Prades, Montserrat; Corral, María-José; Gómez Roig, Ma. Dolores; Escera i Micó, Carles
14-Mar-2013Use of RT-defective HIV virions: new tool to evaluate specific response in chronic asymptomatic HIV-infected individualsCrespo Guardo, Alberto; Álvarez Fernández, Carmen; Arberas, Hodei; García-Pérez, Javier; García Alcaide, Felipe; Bargalló, Manel Enric; Maleno, María José; Gatell, José M.; Mothe, Beatriz; Alcamí, José; Sánchez-Palomino, Sonsoles; Plana Prades, Montserrat