Browsing by Subject Tunicata

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Dec-2001Caracterització molecular i evolutiva de la família de les alcohol deshidrogenases de cadena mitjana als cordats.Cañestro García, Cristian
17-Nov-2021Cardiopharyngeal deconstruction and ancestral tunicate sessilityFerrández-Roldán, Alfonso; Fabregà-Torrus, Marc; Sánchez-Serna, Gaspar; Duran-Bello, Enya; Joaquín-Lluís, Martí; Bujosa, Paula; Plana-Carmona, Marcos; Garcia Fernández, Jordi; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Cañestro García, Cristian
9-Jun-2021Massive Gene Loss and Function Shuffling in Appendicularians Stretch the Boundaries of Chordate Wnt Family EvolutionMartí-Solans, Josep; Godoy-Marín, Hector; Diaz-Gracia, Miriam; Onuma, Takeshi A.; Nishida, Hiroki; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Cañestro García, Cristian
2005Spatial and temporal variation of natural toxicity in cnidarians, bryozoans and tunicates in Mediterranean cavesMartí, Ruth; Uriz, María Jesús; Turon Barrera, Xavier
27-Nov-2022The cosmopolitan appendicularian Oikopleura dioica reveals hidden genetic diversity around the globe.Masunaga, Aki; Mansfield, Michael J.; Tan, Yongkai; Liu, Andrew W.; Bliznina, Aleksandra; Barzaghi, Paolo; Hodgetts, Tamara L.; Ferrández-Roldán, Alfonso; Cañestro García, Cristian; Onuma, Takeshi A.; Plessy, Charles; Luscombe, Nicholas M.
Sep-2011The whereabouts of an ancient wonderer: Global phylogeography of the solitary ascidian Styela plicataPineda Torres, Mari Carmen; López Legentil, Susanna; Turon Barrera, Xavier
27-Sep-2021Tunicates Illuminate the Enigmatic Evolution of Chordate Metallothioneins by Gene Gains and Losses, Independent Modular Expansions, and Functional ConvergencesCalatayud, Sara; Garcia-Risco, Mario; Palacios, Òscar; Capdevila Vidal, Mercè; Cañestro García, Cristian; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard
20-Nov-2021Vols evolucionar? Prova de desfer-te d'uns quants gensBueno i Torrens, David, 1965-