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Showing results 22564 to 22583 of 83918 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-May-2021DNA methylation in cancer: From mouse to human and back againEsteller, Manel
31-Oct-2011DNA methylation in stem cell renewal and multipotencyBerdasco, María; Esteller, Manel
19-Sep-2019DNA methylation loss promotes immune evasion of tumours with high mutation and copy number loadJung, Hyunchul; Kim, Hong Sook; Kim, Jeong Yeon; Sun, Jong-Mu; Ahn, Jin Seok; Ahn, Myung-Ju; Park, Keunchil; Esteller, Manel; Lee, Se-Hoon; Choi, Jung Kyoon
17-Feb-2017DNA methylation map in circulating leukocytes mirrors subcutaneous adipose tissue methylation pattern: a genome-wide analysis from non-obese and obese patientsCrujeiras, Ana B.; Diaz-Lagares, Angel; Sandoval, Juan; Milagro, Fermín I.; Navas-Carretero, S.; Carreira, M. C.; Gómez, Antonio; Hervas, David; Monteiro, M. P.; Casanueva, Felipe F.; Esteller, Manel; Martínez, J. Alfredo, 1957-
10-Mar-2020DNA methylation of MMPs and TIMPs in atherothrombosis process in carotid plaques and blood tissuesGallego Fàbrega, Cristina; Cullell, Natalia; Soriano Tarraga, Carolina; Carrera, Caty; Torres Águila, Nuria Paz; Muiño Acuña, Elena; Cárcel Márquez, Jara; Castro de Moura, Manuel; Fernández Sanles, Alba; Esteller, Manel; Elosua, Roberto; Jiménez Conde, Jordi; Roquer, Jaume; Montaner, Joan; Krupinski, Jerzy; Fernández Cadenas, Israel
9-Jul-2004DNA methylation polymorphisms precede any histological sign of atherosclerosis in mice lacking apolipoprotein ELund, Gertrud; Andersson, Linda; Lauria, Massimiliano; Lindholm, Markus; Fraga, Mario F.; Villar Garea, Ana; Ballestar Tarín, Esteban; Esteller, Manel; Zaina, Silvio
2010DNA methylation profiles and their relationship with cytogenetic status in adult acute myeloid leukemiaAlvarez, Sara; Suela, Javier; Valencia, Ana; Fernández, Agustín F.; Wunderlich, Mark; Agirre, Xabier; Prosper, Felipe; Martín-Subero, José Ignacio; Maiques, Alba; Acquadro, Francesco; Rodriguez Perales, Sandra; Calasanz, María José; Román-Gómez, José; Siebert, Reiner; Mulloy, James C.; Cervera, José; Sanz, Miguel Angel; Esteller, Manel; Cruz Cigudosa, Juan
23-Oct-2017DNA methylation signal has a major role in the response of human breast cancer cells to the microenvironmentMathot, Pauline; Grandin, Mélodie; Devailly, Guillaume; Souazé, Frédérique; Cahais, Vincent; Moran, Sebastian; Campone, Mario; Herceg, Zdenko; Esteller, Manel; Juin, Philippe P.; Mehlen, Patrick; Dante, Robert
12-Feb-2022DNA methylation-associated dysregulation of transfer RNA expression in human cancerRosselló Tortella, Margalida; Bueno-Costa, Alberto; Martínez-Verbo, Laura; Villanueva, Lorea; Esteller, Manel
Jun-2015DNA methylation-based prognosis and epidrivers in hepatocellular carcinomaVillanueva, Augusto; Portela, Anna; Sayols, Sergi; Battiston, Carlo; Hoshida, Yujin; Méndez González, Jesús; Imbeaud, Sandrine; Letouzé, Eric; Hernández Gea, Virginia; Cornella, Helena; Pinyol, Roser; Solé Arqués, Manuel; Fuster Obregón, Josep; Zucman-Rossi, Jessica; Mazzaferro, Vincenzo; Esteller, Manel; Llovet i Bayer, Josep Maria; HEPTROMIC Consortium
5-Oct-2015DNA methylome analysis in Burkitt and follicular lymphomas identifies differentially methylated regions linked to somatic mutation and transcriptional controlKretzmer, Helene; Bernhart, Stephan H.; Wang, Wei; Haake, Andrea; Weniger, Marc A.; Bergmann, Anke; Betts, Matthew J.; Carrillo de Santa Pau, Enrique; Doose, Gero; Gutwein, Jana; Richter, Julia; Hovestadt, Volker; Huang, Bingding; Rico, Daniel; Jühling, Frank; Kolarova, Julia; Lu, Qianhao; Otto, Christian; Wagener, Rabea; Arnolds, Judith; Burkhardt, Birgit; Claviez, Alexander; Drexler, Hans G.; Eberth, Sonja; Eils, Roland; Flicek, Paul; Haas, Siegfried; Hummel, Michael; Karsch, Dannis; Kerstens, Hinrik H. D.; Klapper, Wolfram; Kreuz, Markus; Lawerenz, Chris; Martín-Subero, José Ignacio; Lenze, Dido; Loeffler, Markus; López, Cristina; MacLeod, Roderick A. F.; Martens, Joost H. A.; Kulis, Marta; Möller, Peter; Nagel, Inga; Picelli, Simone; Vater, Inga; Rohde, Marius; Rosenstiel, Philip; Rosolowski, Maciej; Russell, Robert B.; Schilhabel, Markus; Schlesner, Matthias; Stadler, Peter F.; Szczepanowski, Monika; Trümper, Lorenz; Stunnenberg, Hendrik G.; Küppers, Ralf; Ammerpohl, Ole; Lichter, Peter; Siebert, Reiner; Hoffmann, Steve; Radlwimmer, Bernhard; ICGC MMML-Seq project; BLUEPRINT project
18-Sep-2017DNA methylomes reveal biological networks involved in human eye development, functions and associated disordersBerdasco, María; Gómez, Antonio; Rubio, Marcos J.; Català-Mora, Jaume; Zanón-Moreno, Vicente; Lopez, Miguel; Hernández-Munain, Cristina; Yoshida, Shigeo; Nakama, Takahito; Ishikawa, Keijiro; Ishibashi, Tatsuro; Boubekeur, Amina M.; Louhibi, Lotfi; Pujana Genestar, M. Ángel; Sayols, Sergi; Setién, Fernando; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Torres Gómez-Pallete, Carmen de; Parareda, Andreu; Mora Graupera, Jaume; Zhao, Ling; Zhang, Kang; Lleonart, Matilde E.; Alonso, Javier; Simó, Rafael; Caminal Mitjana, Josep Maria; Esteller, Manel
1990DNA sequence of the gene encoding the Zc1 protein from Zea mays W64AReina del Pozo, Manuel; Guillén Martínez, Pedro; Ponte Marull, Immaculada; Boronat i Margosa, Albert; Palau i Albet, Jaume
22-May-2019DNA specificities modulate the binding of human transcription factor A to mitochondrial DNA control regionCuppari, Anna; Fernández Millán, Pablo; Battistini, Federica; Tarrés Solé, Aleix; Lyonnais, Sébastien; Iruela Martín, Guillermo; Ruiz López, Elena; Enciso, Yuliana; Rubio Cosials, Anna; Prohens López, Rafael; Pons Vallès, Miquel; Alfonso, Carlos; Tóth, Katalin; Rivas, Germán; Orozco López, Modesto; Solà Vilarrubias, Maria
28-Nov-2016DNA structure directs positioning of the mitochondrial genome packaging protein Abf2p.Chakraborty, Arka; Lyonnais, Sébastien; Battistini, Federica; Hospital Gasch, Adam; Medici, Giorgio; Prohens López, Rafael; Orozco López, Modesto; Vilardell, Josep; Solà Vilarrubias, Maria
2021DNA-interacting properties of two analogous square-planar cis-chlorido complexes: copper versus palladiumPalmeira-Mello, Marcos V.; Caballero Hernández, Ana Belén; López Espinar, Aida; Guedes, Guilherme P.; Caubet Marín, Amparo; Teles de Souza, Alessandra M.; Lanznaster, Mauricio; Gámez Enamorado, Patrick
8-Jan-1999DNA-interacting proteins in the spermiogenesis of the mollusc Murex brandarisCàceres, Carme; Giménez Bonafé, Pepita; Ribes Mora, Enric; Wouters-Tyroui, Danielle; Martinage, Arlette; Kouachi, Mostafa; Sautière, Pierre; Muller, Sylviane; Palau i Albet, Jaume; Subirana, Juan A.; Cornudella, Luis; Chiva i Royo, Manuel
8-Aug-2017DNA-origami-aided lithography for sub-10 nanometer pattern printingGállego, Isaac; Manning, Brendan; Prades García, Juan Daniel; Mir Llorente, Mònica; Samitier i Martí, Josep; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon
6-Jan-2017DNA-origami-driven lithography for patterning on gold surfaces with sub-10 nm resolutionGállego, Isaac; Manning, Brendan; Prades García, Juan Daniel; Mir Llorente, Mònica; Samitier i Martí, Josep; Eritja i Casadellà, Ramon
23-Sep-2016DNA/protein binding and magnetic properties of a 1D Cu(II) complex containing fumarate and tridentate Schiff base ligandsPaul, Aparup; Bertolasi, Valerio; Figuerola i Silvestre, Albert; Manna, Subal Chandra