Browsing by Author Camarasa García, Jordi

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Oct-20223,4-Methylenedioxy methamphetamine, synthetic cathinones and psychedelics: From recreational to novel psychotherapeutic drugsLópez Arnau, Raúl; Camarasa García, Jordi; Lí Carbó, Marcel; Nadal-Gratacós, Núria; Puigseslloses, Pol; Espinosa-Velasco, María; Urquizu, Edurne; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; Pubill Sánchez, David
1-Mar-20133,4-Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine induces in vivo regional up-regulation of central nicotinic receptors in rats and potentiates the regulatory effects of nicotine on these receptorsPubill Sánchez, David; Garcia Ratés, Sara; Camarasa García, Jordi; Escubedo Rafa, Elena
28-Jun-20143,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine enhances kainic acid convulsive susceptibilityAbad, Sonia; Junyent Herena, Fèlix; Auladell i Costa, M. Carme; Pubill Sánchez, David; Pallàs i Llibería, Mercè, 1964-; Camarasa García, Jordi; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; Camins Espuny, Antoni
5-Feb-20197,8-Dihydroxyflavone blocks the development of behavioral sensitization to MDPV, but not to cocaine: Differential role of the BDNF-TrkB pathwayDuart Castells, Leticia; López Arnau, Raúl; Vizcaíno, Sonia; Camarasa García, Jordi; Pubill Sánchez, David; Escubedo Rafa, Elena
1-Jan-1986Acción farmacológica a nivel hepático de los derivados polifenólicos de Cynara scolymus L.Laguna Egea, Juan Carlos
14-Nov-2024Acute paraoxon-induced neurotoxicity in a mouse survival model: Oxidative stress, dopaminergic system alterations and memory deficits<br />Urquizu, Edurne; Paratusic, Selma; Goyenechea, Júlia; Gómez-Canela, Cristian; Fumàs, Berta; Pubill Sánchez, David; Raldúa, Demetrio; Camarasa García, Jordi; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; López Arnau, Raúl
21-Dec-2015Adaptive plasticity in the hippocampus of young mice intermittently exposed to MDMA could be the origin of memory deficits.Abad, Sonia; Camarasa García, Jordi; Pubill Sánchez, David; Camins Espuny, Antoni; Escubedo Rafa, Elena
1-Aug-2013An integrated pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of a new drug of abuse, methylone, a synthetic cathinone sold as 'bath salts'López Arnau, Raúl; Martínez-Clemente, José; Carbó Banús, Marcel·lí; Pubill Sánchez, David; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; Camarasa García, Jordi
Jan-2022Behavioural and neurochemical effects after repeated administration of N-ethylpentylone (ephylone) in miceEspinosa-Velasco, María; Reguilón, Marina D.; Bellot, Marina; Nadal-Gratacós, Núria; Berzosa, Xavier; Puigseslloses, Pol; Gómez-Canela, Cristian; Rodríguez-Arias, Marta; Pubill Sánchez, David; Camarasa García, Jordi; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; López Arnau, Raúl
2-Aug-2021Cannabidiol Modulates the Motivational and Anxiety-Like Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) in MiceAlegre-Zurano, Laia; López-Arnau, Raúl; Luján, Miguel Á.; Camarasa García, Jordi; Valverde, O.
10-Nov-1992Caracterización del receptor benzodiacepínico periférico en tejidos de rata y humanosCamins Espuny, Antoni
13-Jan-2016Contribution to the study of the mechanisms of action and neuropsychopharmacological effects of MDMA and new β-ketoamphetaminesCiudad Roberts, Andrés
5-Apr-2013Depression-like behavior is dependent on age in male SAMP8 micePérez Cáceres, David; Ciudad Roberts, Andrés; Rodrigo i Calduch, Ma. Teresa; Pubill Sánchez, David; Camins Espuny, Antoni; Camarasa García, Jordi; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; Pallàs i Llibería, Mercè, 1964-
3-Jun-2014Dose and time-dependent selective neurotoxicity induced by mephedrone in mice.Martínez-Clemente, José; López Arnau, Raúl; Abad, Sonia; Pubill Sánchez, David; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; Camarasa García, Jordi
1-Jan-1997Efecto del MK-801 y otros ligandos PCP y Sigma sobre la neurotransmisión noradrenérgica periféricaPubill Sánchez, David
18-Jan-2018Effect of the combination of mephedrone plus ethanol on serotonin and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex of awake ratsLópez Arnau, Raúl; Buenrostro Jáuregui, Mario; Camarasa García, Jordi; Pubill Sánchez, David; Escubedo Rafa, Elena
19-Jul-2020Effects of High-Fat Diet and Maternal Binge-Like Alcohol Consumption and Their Influence on Cocaine Response in Female Mice OffspringDuart Castells, Leticia; Cantacorps, Lídia; López-Arnau, Raúl; Montagud-Romero, Sandra; Puster, Brigitte; Mera Nanín, Paula; Serra i Cucurull, Dolors; Camarasa García, Jordi; Pubill Sánchez, David; Valverde, Olga; Escubedo Rafa, Elena
4-Oct-2018Effects of MDPV on dopamine transporter regulation in male rats. Comparison with cocaine.López Arnau, Raúl; Duart Castells, Leticia; Aster, Barbara; Camarasa García, Jordi; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; Pubill Sánchez, David
26-Jun-2001Estudi de la degeneració transneuronal en models de malalties que afecten als ganglis basalsCanudas Teixidó, Anna Maria
2-Jun-2016Estudi dels efectes neuroplàstics i neurotòxics de l’MDMA en models experimentals d’alteracions del Sistema Nerviós CentralAbad Florensa, Sònia