Browsing by Author Crespo Vicente, Teresa

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003$2S_4 * Q_8$-extensions in characteristic 3Crespo Vicente, Teresa
24-Jan-2022About Hopf-Galois structures in magma computationJi, Junjie
29-Jun-2017Algebraic groups and Tannakian categoriesSala Fernandez, Guillem
11-Sep-2019Algorithmic Hopf Galois theorySalguero Garcı́a, Marta
1999Arithmetical problems in number fields, abelian varieties and modular formsBayer i Isant, Pilar, 1946-; Vila, Núria (Vila i Oliva); Arenas, A. (Àngela), 1955-; Crespo Vicente, Teresa; Travesa i Grau, Artur
13-Jun-2022Àlgebra diferencial: El teorema de LiouvilleSánchez Aragón, Sergi
13-Jun-2023Construcció de polı́gons regulars sobre la lemniscataSoler Terricabras, Toni
1997Construction of 2̂m S_n- fields containing a C_(2̂m ) - fieldCrespo Vicente, Teresa
1991Embedding Galois problems and reduced normsCrespo Vicente, Teresa
20-Jun-2021Extensions finites Hopf GaloisBañuelos Villanueva, Yasmina
1997Galois representations, embedding problems and modular formsCrespo Vicente, Teresa
13-Sep-2010Galois Theory of Module FieldsHeiderich, Florian
Jan-2021Hopf Galois structures on field extensions of degree twice an odd prime square and their associated skew left bracesCrespo Vicente, Teresa
27-Jun-2016Hopf Galois theory of separable field extensionsSalguero Garcı́a, Marta
1-Sep-2023Inducing braces and Hopf Galois structuresCrespo Vicente, Teresa; Gil Muñoz, Daniel; Rio, Anna; Vela del Olmo, Ma. Montserrat (Maria Montserrat)
19-Jan-2018Infinite Galois theorySánchez Rodríguez, Ignasi
24-Jan-2022Introduction to Belyi functions and Dessins d'enfantsBalbuena Pecino, David
20-Jun-2021Introduction to Differential Galois TheoryMartínez Marín, Pau
1-Mar-2023Left braces of size 8<em>p</em>Crespo Vicente, Teresa; Gil Muñoz, Daniel; Rio, Anna; Vela del Olmo, Ma. Montserrat
2016On the Galois correspondence theorem in separable Hopf Galois theoryCrespo Vicente, Teresa; Rio, Anna; Vela del Olmo, Ma. Montserrat