Browsing by Author Krupinski, Jerzy

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Nov-2007A microarray study of gene and protein regulation in human and rat brain following middle cerebral artery occlusionMitsios, Nick; Saka, Mohamad; Krupinski, Jerzy; Pennucci, Roberta; Sanfeliu i Pujol, Coral; Wang, Qiuyu; Rubio Borrego, Francisco Ramón; Gaffney, John; Kumar, Pat; Kumar, Shant; Sullivan, Matthew; Slevin, Mark
30-Sep-2022Altered methylation pattern in EXOC4 is associated with stroke outcome: an epigenome-wide association studyCullell, Natalia; Soriano Tarraga, Carolina; Gallego Fàbrega, Cristina; Cárcel Márquez, Jara; Muiño Acuña, Elena; Llucià Carol, Laia; Lledós i de Benito, Miquel; Esteller, Manel; De Moura, Manuel Castro; Montaner Villalonga, Joan; Rosell, Anna; Delgado, Pilar; Martí Fábregas, Joan; Krupinski, Jerzy; Roquer, Jaume; Jiménez Conde, Jordi; Fernández Cadenas, Israel
2-Sep-2008C-reactive protein exerts angiogenic effects on vascular endothelial cells and modulates associated signalling pathways and gene expressionTuru, Marta M.; Slevin, Mark; Matou, Sabine; West, David; Rodríguez, Cristina; Luque Gómez, Ana; Grau Olivares, Marta; Badimón, Lina, 1953-; Martínez González, José; Krupinski, Jerzy
10-Mar-2020DNA methylation of MMPs and TIMPs in atherothrombosis process in carotid plaques and blood tissuesGallego Fàbrega, Cristina; Cullell, Natalia; Soriano Tarraga, Carolina; Carrera, Caty; Torres Águila, Nuria Paz; Muiño Acuña, Elena; Cárcel Márquez, Jara; Castro de Moura, Manuel; Fernández Sanles, Alba; Esteller, Manel; Elosua, Roberto; Jiménez Conde, Jordi; Roquer, Jaume; Montaner, Joan; Krupinski, Jerzy; Fernández Cadenas, Israel
30-Sep-2021Effectiveness of Thrombectomy in Stroke According to Baseline Prognostic Factors: Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting Analysis of a Population-Based RegistryRudilosso, Salvatore; Ríos, José; Rodríguez, Alejandro; Gomis, Meritxell; Vera, Víctor; Gómez Choco, Manuel; Renú, Arturo; Matos, Núria; Llull, Laura; Purroy, Francisco; Amaro, Sergio; Terceño, Mikel; Obach, Víctor; Serena, Joaquim; Martí Fàbregas, Joan; Cardona, Pedro; Molina, Carlos; Rodríguez Campello, Ana; Cánovas Vergé, David; Krupinski, Jerzy; Ustrell, Xavier; Torres, Ferran; San Román, Luis; Salvat Plana, Mercè; Jiménez Fàbrega, Francesc Xavier; Palomeras, Ernest; Catena, Esther; Colom, Carla; Cocho, Dolores; Baiges, Juanjo; Aragones, Josep Maria; Diaz, Gloria; Costa, Xavier; Almendros, María Cruz; Rybyeba, Maria; Barceló, Miquel; Carrión, Dolors; Lòpez, Matilde Núria; Sanjurjo, Eduard; Ossa, Natalia Pérez de la; Urra, Xabier; Chamorro, Ángel; Catalan Stroke Code And Reperfusion (CAT-SCR) Consortium
22-Jun-2016Estudio farmacoepigenómico de la respuesta al tratamiento secundario en pacientes de ictus isquémicoGallego Fàbrega, Cristina
1-Jan-2009Imaging of early inflammation in low-to-moderate carotid stenosis by 18-FDG-PETFont, M. Angels; Fernández, Alex (Fernández Solanas); Carvajal, Ana; Gámez, Cristina; Badimón, Lina, 1953-; Slevin, Mark; Krupinski, Jerzy
10-Nov-2011Paper de "Chlamydia pneumoniae" en la generació de respostes immunes implicades en la malaltia cerebrovascularLuque Gómez, Ana