Browsing by Author Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina
Showing results 1 to 20 of 69
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1-Jul-2019 | A Regenerative Endodontic Approach in Mature Ferret Teeth Using Rodent Preameloblast-conditioned Medium | Bucchi Morales, María Cristina; Gimeno Sandig, Álvaro; Valdivia Gandur, Ivan; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Anta i Vinyals, Josep Maria de |
1-Dec-2018 | A sample of non-nutritive sucking habits (pacifier and digit) in portuguese children and its relation with the molar classes of angle | Machado, Sónia-Cristina-Silva; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Ferreira-Moreira, Joaquim; Ferreira-Pacheco, José-Júlio; Rompante, Paulo-Alexandre-Martins-Abreu; Ustrell i Torrent, Josep Maria, 1953- |
17-Feb-2018 | An anatomical study of nerves at risk during minimally invasive hallux valgus surgery | Dalmau-Pastor, Miki; Vega, Jordi; Malagelada, Francesc; Peña, Fernando; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina |
1-Jul-2010 | An epidemiological study of dental agenesis in a primary health area in Spain: estimated prevalence and associated factors | Tallón-Walton, Victòria; Nieminen, Pekka; Arte, Sirpa; Carvalho Lobato, Patricia; Ustrell i Torrent, Josep Maria, 1953-; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina |
23-Mar-2010 | Anatomy of the ankle ligaments: a pictorial essay | Golanó, Pau; Vega, Jordi; Leeuw, Peter A. J. de; Malagelada, Francesc; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Götzens García, Víctor José; van Dijk, C. Niek |
8-Jul-2014 | Análisis de los cambios de presión en el antepié mediante la aplicación de diferentes tratamientos ortopodológicos | Prats Climent, Baldiri |
2008 | Anomalías dentarias: prevalencia en relación con patologías sistémicas en una población infantil de Mérida, Venezuela | Iglesias, Paulina; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Valdivia, Iván; Zambrano, Reinald; Solórzano, Eduvigis; Tallón-Walton, Victòria; Carvalho Lobato, Patricia |
1-May-2012 | Assessment of osteointegrative response around dental implants using technetium 99-methylene diphosphate scintigraphy: a comparison of two implant surfaces in a rabbit model | Sánchez Garcés, Ma. Ángeles; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Berini Aytés, Leonardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme |
Mar-1997 | La ATM del perro como modelo experimental | Ballester, O.; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Lorente, M.; Calero, M. I.; Serra Renom, Ignacio |
27-Sep-2019 | Biofunctionalization with a TGF -1 inhibitor peptide in the osseointegration of synthetic bone grafts: an in vivo study in Beagle dogs | Cirera, Andrea; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Sevilla, Pablo; Ortiz Hernández, Mónica; Galindo Moreno, Pablo; Gil, Javier |
1-Sep-2021 | Body donation, teaching and research in dissection rooms in Spain in times of Covid-19 | Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Dalmau-Pastor, Miki; Simon de Blas, Clara; Vázquez-Osorio, María Teresa |
2001 | BS-SEM evaluation of the tisular interactions between cortical bone and calcium-phosphate covered titanium implants | Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Franch, Jordi; Carvalho Lobato, Patricia; Belmonte, A. M.; Tusell, J.; Franch, B.; Fernández Pradas, Juan Marcos; Clèries García, Laura; Morenza Gil, José Luis |
1-Oct-2018 | Characterization of a bipartite medial cuneiform: micro-CT and anatomical study | Dalmau-Pastor, Miki; Vega, Jordi; Baltasar Sánchez, Alicia; Slimani, Lotfi; Belinha, Jorge; González Sistal, Ángel; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina |
8-Jun-2015 | Clinical anatomy aspects of the arthroscopy and endoscopy in Podiatric procedures (first metatarsophalangeal joint and plantar aponeurosis): a review | Fargues Polo, Betlem |
15-Jun-2021 | Comparison of the masticatory force (with 3D models) of complete denture base acrylic resins with reline and reinforcing materials | Calamote, Catarina; Coelho, Isabel Carolina; Silva, Antonio Sérgio; Esteves, Jose Luis; Moreira, Luis; Correia-Pinto, Antonio; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Escuin Henar, Tomás J. (Tomás José) |
Nov-2022 | Comparison of two different lingual flap advancement techniques and vascular structure identification: a human cadaver study | Noguera Mutlló, Carlos; Traboulsi Garet, Bassel; Camps Font, Octavi; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo |
5-Apr-2024 | Comprehensive oral diagnosis and management for women with Turner syndrome | Tallón-Walton, Victòria; Sánchez Molins, Meritxell; Hu, Wenwen; Martínez Abadías, Neus, 1978-; Casado, Aroa; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina |
Feb-2015 | Coneixements d'anatomia i patologia dels estudiants de 4t curs d'Odontologia | Viñals Iglesias, Helena; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Carbahlo Lobato, P.; López López, José, 1958- |
2021 | Dentin growth after direct pulp capping with the different fractions of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) vs MTA: experimental study in animal model | Gaiño-Orduña, José F.; Caviedes-Bucheli, Javier; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Román-Richon, Sophie; Martín-Biedma, Benjamín; Segura Egea, Juan José; Berástegui-Jimeno, Esther; López-López, José |
29-Jan-2016 | Efectos a corto plazo de la expansión ortopédica del maxilar tratada con un láser de baja intensidad en dentición mixta | García García, Valentín Javier |