Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1-May-2022 | Acute respiratory infection rates in primary care anticipate ICU bed occupancy during COVID-19 waves | Guillén, Montserrat; Bardes Robles, Ignasi; Bordera Cabrera, Ester; Acebes Roldán, Xénia; Bolancé Losilla, Catalina; Jorba, Daniel; Moriña, David |
Sep-2021 | Analysis of the impact of lockdown on the reproduction number of the SARS-Cov-2 in Spain | Hyafil, Alexandre; Moriña, David |
1-May-2017 | Analyzing recurrent events when the history of previous episodes is unknown or not taken into account: proceed with caution | Navarro, Albert; Casanovas, Georgina; Alvarado, Sergio; Moriña, David |
2022 | Anàlisi dels riscos psicosocials al treball i el seu efecte sobre la salut | Garriga Reixach, Aniol |
1-Nov-2022 | Assessing the Underestimation of HIV Risk Infection among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men in Argentina | Feijoo Cid, Maria; Fernández-Cano, María Isabel; Zalazar, Virgina; Moriña, David; García-Sierra, Rosa; Arreciado Marañón, Antonia; Sued, Omar |
1-Jan-2018 | Cost-Effectiveness of the EdAl (Educacio en Alimentacio) Program: A Primary School-Based Study to Prevent Childhood Obesity | Conesa, Marta; Llauradó, Elisabet; Aceves Martins, Magaly; Moriña, David; Solà Morales, Oriol de; Giralt, Montse; Tarro, Lucia; Solà, Rosa |
2022 | Creació d’un sistema d’alerta epidemiològica basat en models temporals discrets | Corominas Del Hoyo, Júlia |
3-Dec-2020 | Estimating the real burden of disease under a pandemic situation: The SARS-CoV2 case | Fernández Fontelo, Amanda; Moriña, David; Cabaña, Alejandra; Arratia, Argimiro; Puig i Casado, Pere |
5-Jan-2018 | Follow-up of a healthy lifestyle education program (the EdAl study): four years after cessation of randomized controlled trial intervention | Llauradó, Elisabet; Tarro, Lucia; Moriña, David; Aceves Martins, Magaly; Giralt, Montse; Solà, Rosa |
25-Jan-2019 | Impact of a youth-led social marketing intervention run by adolescents to encourage healthy lifestyles among younger school peers (EYTO-Kids project): a parallel-cluster randomised controlled pilot study | Tarro, Lucia; Llauradó, Elisabet; Aceves Martins, Magaly; Moriña, David; Papell Garcia, Ignasi; Arola Fernández, Lluís; Giralt, Montse; Solà, Rosa |
8-Dec-2017 | Impact of model calibration on cost-effectiveness analysis of cervical cancer prevention | Moriña, David; Sanjosé Llongueras, Silvia de; Diaz Sanchis, Mireia |
May-2021 | La tercera versión de COPSOQ-ISTAS21. Un instrumento internacional actualizado para la prevención de riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo | Moncada i Lluís, Salvador, 1957-; Llorens Serrano, Clara; Salas Nicás, Sergio; Moriña, David; Navarro Giné, Albert |
2022 | Left‑censored recurrent event analysis in epidemiological studies: a proposal for when the number of previous episodes is unknown | Hernández Herrera, Gilma; Moriña, David; Navarro Giné, Albert |
1-Dec-2021 | miRecSurv package: Prentice-Williams-Peterson models with multiple imputation of unknown number of previous episodes | Moriña, David; Hernández Herrera, Gilma; Navarro Giné, Albert |
2021 | Modelos predictivos para la distribución del número de casos diarios de la COVID-19 para los diferentes distritos de Barcelona | Pemán Rodríguez, Pablo |
2021 | Models per a sèries temporals no estacionàries: L’exemple de la Covid-19 | Ríos Masferrer, Marc |
1-Dec-2018 | Moving towards an organized cervical cancer screening: costs and impact | Diaz Sanchis, Mireia; Moriña, David; Rodríguez Sales, Vanesa; Ibáñez, Raquel; Espinàs Piñol, Josep Alfons; Sanjosé Llongueras, Silvia de |
4-Sep-2020 | Online Cost-Effectiveness ANalysis (OCEAN): a user-friendly interface to conduct cost-effectiveness analyses for cervical cancer | Moriña, David; Martí-Gil, José Ignacio; Puig i Casado, Pere; Diaz Sanchis, Mireia |
Feb-2022 | Predictions of three mathematical models related with the COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy in Spain | Olmedo Lucerón, Carmen; Díez Domingo, Javier; Expósito Singh, David; Moriña, David; Aznarte, José Luis; Almagro Pedreño, José; Limia Sánchez, Aurora |
20-Feb-2019 | Probability estimation of a Carrington-like geomagnetic storm | Moriña, David; Serra, Isabel; Puig, Pedro; Corral, Alvaro |